Just got overflown by a flight of V-22 Ospreys. They don't sound like anything else, even in a busy air corridor.
(Meant to post this earlier but, uh, forgot… 😅)
We’re doing it again! For anyone in the #washingtondc / #maryland / #nova #dmvarea looking for something fun to do this evening, I’m holding a free Discovery Class for #LudoSport #lightsaber combat Friday 5:30-7:30 in #arlingtonva! Come have some fun, get some exercise, meet some cool people, and learn to wield an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
Details here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ludosport-light-saber-combat-discovery-class-again-tickets-524056476027
#washingtondc #maryland #nova #dmvarea #ludosport #lightsaber #arlingtonva #arlva #arlington #thingstodo #dc #dcarea #fencing
For anyone in the #washingtondc / #maryland / #nova #dmvarea who’s looking for something fun to do this evening, I’m holding a free Discovery Class for #LudoSport #lightsaber combat today from 5 - 7 in #arlingtonva! Come have some fun, get some exercise, meet some cool people, and learn to wield an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
Details here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/519269397747
#washingtondc #maryland #nova #dmvarea #ludosport #lightsaber #arlingtonva #arlva #arlington #thingstodo #dc #dcarea #fencing
My god. Never underestimate the power of an Arlington NIMBY. They're suing because they can't stand the noise of people playing pickleball...which means people are actually using the public tennis courts that were previously underutilized.
#arlva #arlington #nimby #areyoukiddingme