#Kassel in Hesse, Germany, is the hotspot of the armament industry in this federal state with #Rheinmetall an others. Find the new documentation on #armament, the #Ruestungsatlas by #DieLinke (The Left) for download here (in German): https://www.linksfraktion-hessen.de/presse/mitteilungen/detail-pressemitteilungen/ruestungsatlas-hessen-neu-aufgelegt-die-linke-geht-mit-friedenspolitischen-positionen-in-den-landtagswahlkampf/
(Photo: Black and white, pochoir showing tanks "Made in Kassel".)
#kassel #rheinmetall #armament #ruestungsatlas #dielinke
Dornier Do-335 #photography #airandspace #aircraft #airplane #airplanes #avgeek #aviationphotography #fighter #german #planes #wwii #armament #db603 #do335 #dornier #engine #fast #heavilyarmored #highlight #taildragger #tricycle #undercarriage #war (Flickr 08.07.2016) https://www.flickr.com/photos/7489441@N06/28113026921
#photography #airandspace #aircraft #airplane #airplanes #avgeek #aviationphotography #fighter #german #planes #wwii #armament #db603 #do335 #dornier #engine #fast #heavilyarmored #highlight #taildragger #tricycle #undercarriage #war
'Laser dazzlers, to temporary blind suspicious individuals'. ⚠️ #military #weapons #armament
"In the published Forsa survey for [magazine] 'Stern', 47 percent of those questioned said they were satisfied or very satisfied" with Pistorius, minister of defence (war) in Germany.[1] Meaning: The big media prepare for war and military action also within the borders of the state of FRG.
This can only be inderstood concerning
Photo: Armament in Unterluess, Germany 2023.
Mini eBook available now for free:
http://www.n0name.de/matzeschmidt/ebooks/matzeschmidt-unterluessen.pdf (229 MB)
Photo: Muedener Str., Rheinmetall Munition Test Center Unterluess, entering the village from the west (“Danger Popping Noises!“)
#unterluess #armament #rheinmetall #germany #war #nato
Neutral status means no weapons at all, but it's a twisted reality, to create, and manufacture weapons but do everything to avoid responsibility.
RT @militarnyi_en@twitter.com
Because of its neutral status, Switzerland has no plans to allow the re-export of weapons from Germany and Spain to Ukraine
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Switzerland #Spain #Germany #Armament #ReExport
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/militarnyi_en/status/1615658986572767232
#reexport #armament #Germany #spain #switzerland #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine
Because of its neutral status, Switzerland has no plans to allow the re-export of weapons from Germany and Spain to Ukraine https://mil.in.ua/en/news/switzerland-does-not-plan-to-change-its-position-on-arms-exports-to-ukraine/ #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Switzerland #Spain #Germany #Armament #ReExport
Reposted from Twitter by @nafobot
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #switzerland #spain #Germany #armament #reexport
Armament will increase in Europe
As a result of the war in the Ukraine and the general economic war.
Photo: 'Howitzer 2000' ('Panzerhaubitze 2000') by KMW in Kassel (Germany) behind a disused takeaway, from the eBook _Kasselploitation_, 2020.
Hello world,
I have just signed up to #Mastodon.
I am a political scientist interested in international security, specifically in #armament and #disarmament.
Is anybody else out there working on similar issues?
Jean Pascal
#Mastodon #armament #disarmament
According to The Jerusalem Post "#Germany hopes to sign a deal to purchase Israel’s Arrow-3 missile defense system and have the system operational by 2025 . Berlin is pushing to procure the system as it has no missile defense system capable of intercepting missiles in the exoatmospheric range of 15,000 meters like the Arrow-3 is capable of, making it the most relevant system for the threats facing the European nation."
#armament #Europe #info #News #War #Germany
I have already repeatedly warned of a conflagration starting from the #Russia #Ukraine #war with the participation of #NATO, possibly even a #nuclearwar.
What I don't understand at all as a historically interested person is above all the position of the #Greens.
40 Years ago, the heart of the #peace movement, today spearheading #armament.
They urgently need to remember their roots in the 1980s!
#russia #ukraine #war #nato #nuclearwar #greens #peace #armament
El moviment antimilitarista es mobilitza contra l’OTAN a través d’una Cimera per la Pau a Madrid https://directa.cat/?p=166046 #Cimeradel'OTANdeMadrid #Antimilitarisme #Cimeraperlapau #armament #OTAN
#Cimeradel #antimilitarisme #Cimeraperlapau #armament #otan
L’aposta d’Erdogan per les armes https://directa.cat/laposta-derdogan-per-les-armes/ #indústriaarmamentística #GuerraaUcraïna #GuerradeSíria #VladimirPutin #Rodaelmón #armament #Erdogan #Turquia #Rússia #OTAN
#indústriaarmamentística #GuerraaUcraïna #GuerradeSíria #vladimirputin #rodaelmón #armament #erdogan #turquia #rússia #otan
La preocupant modernització dels arsenals nuclears https://directa.cat/la-preocupant-modernitzacio-dels-arsenals-nuclears/ #Internacional #Armesnuclears #armament #Míssils #SIPRI #ICAN
#internacional #Armesnuclears #armament #Míssils #sipri #ican
La campanya Banca Armada denuncia que el BBVA ha invertit 4.450 milions d’euros en armament entre el 2014 i el 2019 https://directa.cat/la-campanya-banca-armada-denuncia-que-el-bbva-ha-invertit-4-450-milions-deuros-en-armament-entre-el-2014-i-el-2019/ #juntad'accionistes #Antimilitarisme #BancaArmada #CentreDelàs #armament #Setem #BBVA
#juntad #antimilitarisme #bancaarmada #centredelàs #armament #setem #bbva
#Armament and #Defense bugets. 📈 #statistics
#armament #defense #statistics
#Wikileaks: Secret deal between UK and Saudis to get them on the UN Human Rights council. #UnitedNations #weapons #arms #armament
#wikileaks #unitednations #weapons #arms #armament