Right. Time to refocus. #ArmchairAcademia beckons.
This week: Contemporary and Future #archaeology
“Contested Presents and Creative Futures” - this is the one I’ve been waiting for. I suspect I’ll be better able to situate my somewhat documentary practice after this.
#archaeology #armchairacademia
The #ArmchairAcademia thing I posted about earlier is slow going. Sound #archaeology
It’s very interesting, but entirely alien to me. I am (outside of loving listening to music) completely outwith the realms of music and sound, in terms of their terminology.
I’m hoping my old brain can start to accept more and more academic language as I go on but it’s a big blocker for me. What I’m reading isn’t the most egregious example I’ve come across, thankfully; but it’s not a pleasure to read.
#archaeology #armchairacademia
Sigh. I have been “graced” with a #cfs and #FibroFlare today. Hopefully it’s just today as I need to get to the studio tomorrow. I blame last week’s flu.
Ah well, let’s see if I can just read some academic texts through the brainfog without hurling them out the window. #ArmchairAcademia
#armchairacademia #FibroFlare #cfs