Mme Zabet (she/her) · @mmezabet
165 followers · 2667 posts · Server

I'm watching and the story has hit 1776. There is someone in the colonies using thee and thou even though no one else really is and she said, "Thee is generous," and just ... WTF kind of construction is that? Why is she using the dative thee instead of the subjective thou? And coupled with the incorrect verb? Is this some dialectical thing that I just don't know about or is it bad writing? Either way is equally likely.

#outlander #linguistics #historicalenglish #dialects #armchairlinguistics

Last updated 1 year ago

Mme Zabet (she/her) · @mmezabet
86 followers · 782 posts · Server

(Non native-speaker) Korean teacher dude is talking about conjugating nouns and I'm like AREN'T THOSE MFING DECLENSIONS but trying to not be upset about it because when I try to explain Russian to English speakers I describe the case system as "like conjugating nouns" but also WORDS MEAN THINGS so I'm having a hard time rn not dismissing him out of hand.

#korean #armchairlinguistics #feelingsalty

Last updated 2 years ago

Mme Zabet (she/her) · @mmezabet
80 followers · 588 posts · Server

I've been watching a lot of themed entertainment the past couple days and found myself wondering if "bride and groom" are related to "bridle" and "(horse) groom". I'll have to look up the tomorrow, because it's bedtime at Chez Zabet.

#dracula #etymology #armchairlinguistics

Last updated 2 years ago