Gizmodo: Star Trek: Very Short Treks Is a Bizarre Tribute to the Original Animated Series #startrektheanimatedseries #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #startrekcrossovers #technologyinternet #starshipenterprise #outlineofstartrek #celiarosegooding #connortrinneer #jonathanfrakes #beverlycrusher #arminshimerman #ethanphillips #gatesmcfadden #humaninterest #toomanycooks #leonardnimoy #spock
#startrektheanimatedseries #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #startrekcrossovers #technologyinternet #starshipenterprise #outlineofstartrek #celiarosegooding #connortrinneer #jonathanfrakes #beverlycrusher #arminshimerman #ethanphillips #gatesmcfadden #humaninterest #toomanycooks #leonardnimoy #spock
#StarTrekLowerDecks s3e6 - 9/10
#NanaVisitor as Kira, #ArminShimerman as Quark.
1️⃣ What a cool, fun episode! The story took a while to get going, but it was very exciting when it did.
2️⃣ Revisiting #DeepSpaceNine was lovely. Seeing two of the regulars was genuinely wonderful.
3️⃣ The Mariner storyline was cute, but didn't really go anywhere. I know it's a cliché but I would have liked to see her save Jennifer's friends or something similar. Still, watching her phaser all of them was hilarious.
#StarTrekLowerDecks #nanavisitor #arminshimerman #deepspacenine
The nicest ship on Buffy The Vampire Slayer is VampirePrincipal (Dracula and Principal Snyder). #Buffy #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #Dracula #RudolfMartin #PrincipalSnyder #ArminShimerman
#buffy #buffythevampireslayer #dracula #rudolfmartin #principalsnyder #arminshimerman
Flirt with each other already Principal Snyder and Adam from Buffy The Vampire Slayer 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 #Buffy #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #PrincipalSnyder #ArminShimerman #Adam #GeorgeHertzberg
#buffy #buffythevampireslayer #principalsnyder #arminshimerman #adam #georgehertzberg
Listening to #theShuttlepod w/ guest #ArminShimerman speak about Star Trek, goes into #Shakespeare and the structure of rhetoric... 🥰
#theshuttlepod #arminshimerman #shakespeare
#Today I finally framed and hung my signed #StarTrek posters in my dining area. #DS9 #STVoyager #ArminShimerman #RobertPicardo
#Today #startrek #ds9 #stvoyager #arminshimerman #robertpicardo
Absolutely screaming at Armin Shimerman's cameo in Castle I love him. Principal Snyder will always be one of my fave characters he always brought such a joy to the role, the vicious bastard 😂 #Castle #ArminShimerman #Buffy
#castle #arminshimerman #buffy