@odonion_gethen I'm a proponent of #ArmLiberals for that reason, and because so many of my fellow libs are highly uneducated about #guns
They make us look like we don't know what we're talking about, which closes minds in debate.
#UnpopularOpinion - I really enjoy #shooting #guns sometimes
I don't own a #gun but I go to the #GunRange about once a decade or so with friends.
I believe in reasonable #GunControl & better funding #MentalHealth services to help prevent #GunTragedies
The older I get (especially since the Jan. 6th Insurrection) the more I think we need to #ArmLiberals for self-defense
If it helps - I am probably some flavor of #Liberal #Libertarian (with a hint of #DemocraticSocialism )
#unpopularopinion #shooting #guns #gun #gunrange #guncontrol #mentalhealth #guntragedies #armliberals #liberal #libertarian #democraticsocialism