hmm, I guess it’s kind of up to interpretation as to what actually happens here, but I like to think that maybe I just "married" everyone on Rubicon; including V.IV Rusty 😉
Mais qu'il est beau, KILEBO
partagé sur twitwi par JunBTacuyan, possiblement l'auteur du mécha.
Well, NG++ of #armoredcore6 finished.
Game of the year, honestly, if it wasn't for the absurd requirements i would go for the platinum, but S-ing all missions feels really painful.
It's a brilliant game, only marred by the lack of balance on weapons, but it's mostly because of how broken some are. Experimenting is a lot of fun still, I really hope we get some good DLC to extract some extra mileage.
Also Ayre.
😳 Kate? Kate! 🤩
É um jogo esquisito. Eu gostei muito de ter jogado, mas achei desnecessário ter que jogar 3x pra jogar todas as missões (que são muitas)
o jogo é divertido e se voce nao mudar seus equipamentos a cada missão pode parecer meio tenso, mas é só ir se adaptando que a dificuldade é ok
vale a pena se voce gosta de mechas e de jogos de ação, mas n tem uma história ou lore mto memorável ou interessante
#ac6 #armoredcore6 #acvi #armoredcorevi #firesofrubicon
turns out that the mission choices I made in ng (Eliminate the Enforcement Squad / Intercept the Redguns) were the ones more difficult for me than those I’d left for ng+ (CATAPHRACT / Ambush the Vespers);
nevertheless! I've stalled out & have just been grinding missions for S-grades & reconfiguring ACs because… I still really don’t want to kill Carla :(
(I mean, I will; but mostly only to change the hanger music though—not because I want to)
There are few things quite like the feeling of anticipation, when you get to make the most of your multi-lockon missiles.
I always get a little sad in #ArmoredCore6 when I come back home from work and nobody left me any messages on my answering machine :kitten_sad:.
In which I think out loud for a bit about #JsonLD, it's place, and what compromises need to be made:
First, the vision of JSON-LD is essentially this (and yes I will use entirely #ArmoredCore6 references, this is me talking to myself after all :p ):
A request comes in to Handler Walter (HW) for a mission for C4-621 (Raven) to assault a dam and blow up some generators along with G4 and G5, troops under G1 Michigan, part of a squad called the "Red Guns"
G1 gives you the "lucky" callsign G13
Is it just me, or are double Songbirds a little overpowered? I guess the old saying is true: got a big tough problem? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use MORE gun
#ArmoredCore6 #FiresofRubicon
I put together a new mech to start NG+ & it’s about as close to a pure melee build that I can get (so far?) without resorting to fighting bare-knuckled. the laser dagger is really, really good as a primary weapon; & the napalm launcher makes for good ambiance.
The Miserikordi is moving back through chapter 3 & this build doesn't work well with every mission but I’m honestly surprised at how well it works with most
Armored Core 6 ist installiert, dennoch scheue ich mich noch davor es zu starten. Wenn man sich erstmal auf so ein Spiel einlässt, lässt es einen nicht mehr los. Und die Umklammerung von #fromsoftware Spielen ist besonders dornig 😅...
On another news I've been playing #armoredcore6 and my AC is happier than I will ever be.
Im brandaktuellen @radioFM4 Game Podcast geht es - logo - um #Starfield, aber auch um Mobile Games, #ArmoredCore6 und sonst noch jede Menge andere relevante Dinge! @glashuettner und ich am Mic!
Even though I haven't even got the game (yet) I've pre-ordered Future Press' hardback guide for #ArmoredCore6 purely because their guides for all the other FROM games are absolutely amazing, so I'm pleased to find out that the first print run has an exclusive outer jacket
Was trying to make an #ArmoredCore6 build that was a little bit better at aerial movement. I think I ended up with the AC equivalent of a gunship instead.
if i start one of these hyped-up new games because i dunno what to do with myself for five days in a Seattle hotel-room alone, which one should it be:
#baldursgate3 #starfield #armoredcore6
Took a break for a few days from #ArmoredCore6 after I got frustrated with Snail.
When I came back I spent a day just practicing and tweaking a build that I was pretty sure could take him down: RJ legs, twin worm-killers, twin gatling guns.
Then finally got the bastard today. ^_^
I have begun the phase #ArmoredCore6 where I will eventually plaster every blank spot on my AC in stickers haha.
It's gonna look worse than a laptop.