#Tennessee is trying to push a bill to ban Drag Shows. The implications of such a thing are far reaching. If followed, it is worded such that it could even be used for banning pride parades.
Meanwhile Trump is talking about his 2024 election promises already and going after Trans people is top priority. The GOP want to live out their fascist wet dreams, to play dress up as jackbooted thugs, to goose-step on our rights.
Rights don't exist just because they're written on paper. They exist because infringement of them is met with violence by the people. We cannot let them gain even an inch, for when they do they'll use it to infect education and raise up a whole new generation of fascists.
The #queer community needs to be prepared. You may not like guns but Nazis are worse. Arm yourself, get involved with a defense group like the #SocialistRifleAssociation or #JohnBrownGunClub or even create your own if that's more comfortable for you.
#Guns #CommunityDefense #ArmTransPeople #ArmQueers #DragShows #SRA #JBGC #LGBTQ
#tennessee #queer #socialistrifleassociation #johnbrowngunclub #guns #communitydefense #armtranspeople #armqueers #DragShows #sra #JBGC #lgbtq
On Arming Leftists and Queers and The Nature of Power
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #armtranspeople #armleftists #acab #1312 #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #armtranspeople #armleftists #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #Anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
On Arming Leftists and Queers and The Nature of Power
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #armtranspeople #armleftists #acab #1312 #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #Marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #ArmTransPeople #armleftists #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
My wife and I went to the gun store today. We were just browsing but soon we will be getting armed. We will be first time gun owners. What happened in Colorado must not be allowed to happen again. We must be ready to shoot these fascists down and put them on their ass anytime they try to hurt our communities. Let it be known queers are armed and they will think twice. #armtranswomen #armtransmen #ArmQueers
#armtranswomen #armtransmen #armqueers
Because of the attack in Colorado Springs, as well as the pulse club massacre in 2016, I carry a gun on me everywhere. #lgbtq #armqueers