Hey hey! First time meeting Hera Syndulla and the one, the only, the Megadeath slayer Chopper! Join us this week(for the first time here) for some sweet Star Wars action!

#starwars #rebels #badbatch #podcast #armstrading #ambush #spear #killingadudewithatrident

Last updated 2 years ago

· @podo
66 followers · 390 posts · Server

Today's Guardian article by Tilsdale re: is deeply flawed, and full of typical reckless war industries' selling + talking points. (not linked) Pushing DE + EU deeper into without carefully considering any de-escalation strategies is extremely dangerous! Suggest (re-)reading IN FULL. But here is last year's analysis from @adamtooze ( don't agree with either completely, but at least gives JH the credibility he deserves ! From May 2002

#habermas #UkraineWar #armstrading

Last updated 2 years ago