“Ukrainian forces have decisively breached Russia’s first defensive line near Zaporizhzhia after weeks of painstaking mine clearance, and expect faster gains as they press the weaker second line.”
Officials seeding doubt should be quiet. Continue to #ArmUkraine. Mine-clearing equipment supported this win.
#armukraine #committoukrainewinning
"Russia Attacks Grain Storage at Ukrainian Port on the Danube River" https://maritime-executive.com/article/russia-attacks-grain-storage-at-ukrainian-port-on-the-danube-river #RussiaUkraineWar #ArmUkraine #СлаваУкраіні
#RussiaUkraineWar #armukraine #славаукраіні
🇩🇪🇺🇦 Україна замовила у німецької компанії Quantum Systems 300 розвідувальних безпілотників, — Handelsblatt.
🇺🇸🇺🇦 США оголосили про новий пакет військовий допомоги для України
Він включатиме:
- боєприпаси для ППО Patriot,
- ракети для HIMARS,
- авіаційні ракети «Zuni»,
- ЗРК «Avenger»,
-ПЗРК «Stinger».
#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraine
⚡️The USA announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth $300 million. In particular, it will include short-range Hydra-70 aircraft rockets. #ArmUkraine #StopRussianAggression
#armukraine #stoprussianaggression
#Ukraine #UkraineWillWin #RussiaIsATerroristState
#ArmUkraine #ArmUkraineNow
Watch "Give Ukraine #f16 – Save Ukrainian People From Missiles" on YouTube
#ukraine #UkraineWillWin #RussiaIsATerroristState #uatv #uatv_english #freeдом #armukraine #ArmUkraineNow #armukrainetovictory #f16
Whatever happens next in Ukraine it is a matter of basic anti-imperialist solidarity that the UK labour movement fights to back Ukraine and helps its left and trade unions. Our view.
#Ukraine war: #Bakhmut defenders worry about losing support #ArmUkraine
Note pour si jamais je suis président: ne jamais prétendre étayer une décision par #VousNePouvezPasNousDemanderDeChangerDAvis.
C'est débile et ça se voit.
Surtout de l'extérieur.
#armukraine #parlch #AlainBerset #vousnepouvezpasnousdemanderdechangerdavis
Ukrainian Marines received their new French-made cavalry, the AMX-10s! Thank you for #ArmUkraine. #StandWithUkraine
Brazil and China buddying up to Putin. Not a good thing at all. #ArmUkraine #SlavaUkraine Ukraine is fighting Russian Fascism for the entire world.
⚡️Poland transfers 4 more MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, - Duda.
Recently, 4 aircraft were handed over. In addition, Warsaw plans to hand over 6 more MiG-29s in the near future. #ArmUkraine #RussianUkrainianWar
#armukraine #RussianUkrainianWar
LIVE: #Swiss parliament's lower chamber starts discussing #warMaterial (re-)exports to #Ukraine just now.
Expect some decision by the end of the year, if any.
#ArmUkraineNow #parlch #armukraine #lexukraine #ukraine #warmaterial #swiss
To 🇺🇦 supporters: #ParlCH starts discussing re-exports to #armUkraine this week.
Opposing it:
1. #Isolationist CH-first #SwissPeoplesParty #SVP. May respond to threats e.g. on arms industry.
2. #NonViolenceCult|ists in #TheGreensCH #SocialDemocratsCH. May be more amenable to moral arguments.
Both sides invoke some military all-cases "#neutrality" in its pre-UN, Hague 1907 version. Neither is short of shaky reasonings and alternative facts.
#neutrality #socialdemocratsch #thegreensch #nonviolencecult #svp #swisspeoplesparty #isolationist #armukraine #parlch
Sanctions aren't enough. #ArmUkraine
EU approves 10th package of sanctions on Russia over Ukraine war
*EU sanctions were designed to make financing the war more difficult for Russia, as well as starve it of tech equipment and spare parts. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/25/eu-approves-10th-package-of-sanctions-on-russia-over-ukraine-war*
When a supposedly expert opinion sounds, to your fresh wikipedia knowledge, outrageously biased, but music to the ears of many in the audience, should you suppose you're wrong or start questioning the dispositif?
#JeanMarcRickli downplays potential 🇨🇭 arm support to 🇺🇦 — trivializes 12,000 rounds of 35mm AA ammunition, omits other re-exports and stuff available in 🇨🇭… up to 96 unused Leopard 2 tanks.
#MichelineCalmyRey "Yes! Just stop asking us to #armUkraine"
#forum_rts #armukraine #michelinecalmyrey #jeanmarcrickli
Western intelligence shows Russians amassing aircraft on Ukraine border https://on.ft.com/3S77UY3
Gift article. Can be opened by 3 of you lovely peeps
#SlavaUkraini #armukraine #WWIII #fuckputin
@drclareharris We should #ArmUkraine because it’s the only morally right thing to do. But it’s in our own best interests too.