La estrella de Hollywood, #ArnoldSchwarzenegger explica el miedo que sintió cuando pensaba que moría.
Damn! I don't even know why, but whatever Arnold Schwarzenegger does, he always does it brilliantly and with his enthusiasm. I like him since my childhood... Well done Arnold!
#LIDL si fa #pubblicità con #ArnoldSchwarzenegger 😂
#lidl #pubblicita #arnoldschwarzenegger
“¡Eh, Killian! ¡Ahí tienes a Subzero! Ahora,… ¡Menos que cero!”
- Ben Richards, Perseguido (1987)
#therunningman #perseguido #arnoldschwarzenegger #paulmichaelglaser #stephenking
#therunningman #perseguido #arnoldschwarzenegger #paulmichaelglaser #stephenking
Focus "Survival" 11/12
Running Man (1987)
Une Série B qui semble ne pas vouloir se prendre au sérieux, c’est kitch et ça a mal vieillit.
#RunningMan #PaulMichaelGlaser #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #StephenKing #Survival #ChasseàLhomme #Traque #Film #Cinema
#runningman #paulmichaelglaser #arnoldschwarzenegger #stephenking #survival #chassealhomme #traque #film #cinema
Gizmodo: Get a Look Behind the Scenes of Schwarzenegger's Fantasy Classic Conan the Barbarian #arnoldschwarzeneggerbladesmithjodysamson #entertainmentculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #20thcenturyfoxfilms #conanthebarbarian #theofficialstory #frankfrazetta #robertehoward #renatocasaro #oliverstone #johnmilius #gerrylopez #johnwalsh #roncobb #arnold #conan #films
#arnoldschwarzeneggerbladesmithjodysamson #entertainmentculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #20thcenturyfoxfilms #conanthebarbarian #theofficialstory #frankfrazetta #robertehoward #renatocasaro #oliverstone #johnmilius #gerrylopez #johnwalsh #roncobb #arnold #conan #films
Arnold Schwarzenegger's trip back to pre-school with "Kindergarten Cop" was one of his favorite movies ever, and he told us why.
#ArnoldSchwarzenegger #KindergartenCop #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #Celebrity #celebritynews
#arnoldschwarzenegger #kindergartencop #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
Happy International Twins Day
Twins (1988 film) Movie Poster
#MoviePoster #Movie #Twins #InternationalTwinsDay #80smovie #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #DannyDeVito #KellyPreston
#movieposter #movie #twins #internationaltwinsday #80smovie #arnoldschwarzenegger #dannydevito #kellypreston
Responding to #UnpopularMovieOpinions, I think #SeanConnery's great acting shows in that his accent became part of his characters, and not a part we viewers minded much. #ArnoldSchwarzenegger same. Characters talking with no noticeable accent is overrated and not that memorable. Being memorable is an important part of acting. It doesn't matter what you do if you're forgotten.
#unpopularmovieopinions #seanconnery #arnoldschwarzenegger
The last picture reminds me of the four-fingered alien handprint from the machine in the original Total Recall movie, with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
#totalrecall #arnoldschwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on this date in 1947.
#arnoldschwarzenegger #terminator #baseballcards #cardart
I had to see it and I refuse to suffer alone.
#googlyeyes #arnoldschwarzenegger #iactuallyratherlovethis
When it came to making "Terminator 2," Arnold Schwarzenegger's role had to be expanded greatly, and -- at the time -- that took a real leap of faith from writer/director James Cameron.
#JamesCameron #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Terminator2 #Terminator #TheTerminator #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #moviewnews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews
#jamescameron #arnoldschwarzenegger #terminator2 #terminator #theterminator #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #moviewnews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews
“Ahí fuera hay algo que nos está esperando… y no es humano. Vamos a morir todos.”
- Billy Sole, Depredador (1987)
#depredador #predator #arnoldschwarzenegger #johnmctiernan
#depredador #predator #arnoldschwarzenegger #johnmctiernan
On June 19, 1985, The Terminator debuted in Iceland. Posting some original Arnold Schwarzenegger art to mark the occasion!
#TheTerminator #TheTerminator1984 #CyberPunk #CyberThriller #ActionMovies #1980s #80sSciFI #DystopianSciFI #SciFiArt #JamesCameron #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Art MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theterminator #theterminator1984 #cyberpunk #cyberthriller #actionmovies #1980s #80sscifi #DystopianSciFi #scifiart #jamescameron #arnoldschwarzenegger #art #moviehistory
#Netflix has revealed #LindaHamilton will be joining the fifth and final season of #StrangerThings, and the streamer has also renewed the #ArnoldSchwarzenegger series #Fubar for a second season.
#netflix #lindahamilton #strangerthings #arnoldschwarzenegger #fubar
🎵🎶 Somewhere Over the Rainbow 🎶🎵
#arnoldschwarzenegger #thewizardofoz #lemagiciendoz
Kotaku: There's An AI Jesus On Twitch, And It's Completely Surreal #gaming #tech #kotaku #religiousperspectivesonjesus #artificialintelligence #arnoldschwarzenegger #academicdisciplines #jesusinchristianity #singularitygroup #religion2cbelief #jesuschrist #christology #technology #miketyson #articles #sonofgod #ubisoft #isaiah #conan #god #ai
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #religiousperspectivesonjesus #artificialintelligence #arnoldschwarzenegger #academicdisciplines #jesusinchristianity #singularitygroup #religion2cbelief #jesuschrist #christology #technology #miketyson #articles #sonofgod #ubisoft #isaiah #conan #god #ai
Watched 'Arnold' on Netflix last night. The 3 part documentary on the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was very good, detailing his career in certain stages. But it could've been a lot longer with things that were left out and things Arnold didn't want to go deep into. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
#Netflix #Arnold #Schwarzenegger #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Documentary #TV #Bodybuilding #Movies #USPolitics #Terminator #California #MrOlympia #MrUniverse
#netflix #arnold #schwarzenegger #arnoldschwarzenegger #documentary #tv #bodybuilding #movies #uspolitics #terminator #california #mrolympia #mruniverse
#ArnoldSchwarzenegger(Celebrity) #Film(MediaGenre) #MariyaNishiuchi(FilmActor) #ScienceFictionMovies #Terminator:Genesis(Film) #TheTerminator(Award-WinningWork) #アーノルド・シュワルツネッガー #ターミネーター:新起動/ジェニシス #映画 #西内まりや
#arnoldschwarzenegger #film #mariyanishiuchi #sciencefictionmovies #terminator #theterminator #アーノルド・シュワルツネッガー #ターミネーター #映画 #西内まりや