"Man achieves civilization, not as a result of superior biological endowment or geographical environment, but as a response to a challenge in a situation of special difficulty which rouses him to make a hitherto unprecendeted effort."
Study of History Vol I p570.
per cui uno statista o un attivista può essere, forse non proprio bruciato sul rogo, ma sicuramente ostracizzato e discreditato".
Parole di #ArnoldToynbee nel lontano 1931 alla IV conferenza annuale dell'Istitute for the Scientific Study of International Realations.
Guarda caso 1931 - 1971, 40 anni... la Cabala e la #gematria! Da qui si capisce sia il discorso al WEF, che la canzone dei Lennon... tutto calcolato!
Thinking of the US mid terms reminds me of what the historian Arnold Toynbee said about the death of civilisations... They die from suicide not murder. #uspol #midterms #arnoldtoynbee #auspol
#uspol #midterms #arnoldtoynbee #auspol
toynbee tiles peel back...
#toynbeetiles #stanleykubrick #2001aspaceodyssey #asphalt #tiles #tile #arnoldtoynbee #resurrectdead #jupiter #outsiderart #anonymousart #animatedgif
#tiles #tile #toynbeetiles #stanleykubrick #2001aspaceodyssey #asphalt #arnoldtoynbee #resurrectdead #jupiter #outsiderart #anonymousart #animatedgif
toynbee tiles peel back...
#toynbeetiles #stanleykubrick #2001aspaceodyssey #asphalt #tiles #tile #arnoldtoynbee #resurrectdead #jupiter #outsiderart #anonymousart #animatedgif
#tiles #tile #toynbeetiles #stanleykubrick #2001aspaceodyssey #asphalt #arnoldtoynbee #resurrectdead #jupiter #outsiderart #anonymousart #animatedgif