Schooling a #Rabbi on #Faith & #Science
/ #aronra
I'm addressing Rabbi #ManisFriedman's video,
"#Evolution vs #God: Rabbi Disproves #Darwin" ??
#rabbi #faith #science #aronra #manisfriedman #evolution #god #darwin
The Ra-diculousness of Atheistic Rocks by Answers In Reason #atheists #rocksarenotatheist #AiR #aronra #reason #atheist #answersinreason #theist #theism #armchairmusings
#atheists #rocksarenotatheist #air #aronra #reason #atheist #answersinreason #theist #theism #armchairmusings
What the Hell is Wrong with #Texas?
Three Texas #atheists join us to talk about the #evangelical attack on our #secular #democracy in the second-largest state of the "union." It's a conversation with #AronRa, Wil Jeudy, and Michelle Palmer.
#atheism & #reason vs #thecoracy & #dominionism
#texas #atheists #evangelical #secular #democracy #aronra #atheism #reason #thecoracy #dominionism
@BigJesusTrashcan And the two love copying each other's playbooks. I follow #AronRa on YouTube and know that he and his wife have been going to war with the Texas SBOE over science education for years. I feel for you.
Falsehoods in #Genesis (feat. #AronRa
re: (Ken) Ham & #AiG News
via #Paulogia
#creationism vs #truth, #evolution and #science
#genesis #aronra #aig #paulogia #creationism #truth #evolution #science
-- #BartEhrman on the gospel of Mark --
(by #AronRa)
Coming soon: -- Evolution is Fact! with Erika of #GutsickGibbon, #AronRa & Dave Farina of #ProfessorDaveExplains --
(at #CriticalFaculty)
#criticalfaculty #professordaveexplains #aronra #gutsickgibbon
-- D’evil-ution of de Serpent --
(from #AronRa)
It's an Xmas miracle! SIX HOURS OF ATHEISTS! #MattDillahunty #AronRa etc etc etc. #CallTheLine
#calltheline #aronra #mattdillahunty
#introduction pt. 3
I loved apologetics class in school because it affirmed everything I already believed and helped me feel like I was 'on the right team.' But after watching two YouTube playlists, one by #AronRa, my entire worldview started falling apart. Over the course of a year I started inhaling all of the science and religion content I could get my hands on, 12+ hrs of listening a day. Eventually, I lost any ground to stand on in my faith and backward worldview.
#introduction pt. 3
I loved apologetics class in school because it affirmed everything I already believed and helped me feel like I was 'on the right team.' But after watching two YouTube playlists, one by #AronRa, my entire worldview started falling apart. Over the course of a year I started inhaling all of the science and religion content I could get my hands on, 12+ hrs of listening a day. Eventually, I lost any ground to stand on in my faith and backward worldview.