For #FensterFreitag, the Rainbow Panorama walkway at #ARoS in #Aarhus again, this time from a couple of weeks ago. #Denmark #Danmark
#danmark #denmark #aarhus #aros #fensterfreitag
I went to see an exhibition of the work of the Icelandic pop artist #Érro at the #ARoS gallery in #Aarhus today. A lot of his work is based on collages of comics which he then paints on a large scale. See the collage and the final work below.
The work is interesting but unfortunately he does not credit the original artists, so raises similar issues to the work of #RoyLichtenstein. 1/
#RoyLichtenstein #aarhus #aros #Erro
For #FensterFreitag this is the “Your Rainbow Panorama” walkway designed by artist Olafur Eliasson, on the roof of #ARoS (#Aarhus Kunstmuseum) in #Denmark #Danmark
#danmark #denmark #aarhus #aros #fensterfreitag
AROS One x86: Theme Change BoingIconBar via @YouTube
@dr_adri @micron Another view of the circular walkway enclosed in windows of colours that shift through the spectrum, on the top of the ARoS, the main art museum in Aarhus.
#aarhus #aros #placesthatfeelweirdlylikehome
AROS XHCI USB Driver - first signs of life via @YouTube
Ho rilasciato la nuova versione del mio tool "AppBuilder" per gestire i progetti e semplificare il processo di compilazione di applicazioni scritte in #HollywoodMAL.
Disponibile per moltissimi sistemi e varie architetture: #AmigaOS3 #AmigaOS4 #AROS #Linux #Windows #WarpOS #MorphOS #MacOS
Pagina del progetto con i vari download e una descrizione completa ->
#hollywoodmal #amigaos3 #AmigaOS4 #aros #linux #windows #warpos #morphos #macos
I'm testing my tool to simplify #HollywoodMAL compile process and to help manage projects, I've found a nasty bug with a function that was returning always the same temporary file instead of different ones breaking my update process. The bug was present only on #AmigaOS3 so I written a simple patch to get rid of this problem :)
#AROS #Windows test, #Linux under test right now but seems ok.
#hollywoodmal #amigaos3 #aros #windows #linux #appbuilder #amiga
Dal momento che ho fatto l'upgrade ad #HollywoodMAL 10 è anche ora di aggiornare il mio tool per gestire i progetti e compilare in maniera rapida e indolore.
Questa applicazione sarà disponibile per ogni piattaforma compresi #Amiga #AROS #MorphOS ecc... aggratissse per tutti i miei supporter Patreon, per gli altri con una piccola donazione a piacere.
Nella schermata che si vede sto sistemando la finestra di configurazione 😁
#hollywoodmal #amiga #aros #morphos
#aros has been chosen by Apollo core as main operative system for their #VampireV4 standalone. quite pricey I dare say but it's "real new hardware".
I just wish I could have money and time to throw away on this and #Mega65 😁🤩
Even weighting in all my #amigalove (*) I'd rather put efforts into #aros …
But "love knowns no reason" so I find all those efforts admirable 🤗😍
*: like many people I've grown with #commodore64 and #amiga
#amigalove #aros #commodore64 #amiga