Stealing @Ophois idea for an introducion lol
So Im also an #arospec #bisexual but Im also #transmasc #genderfluid. Im an #atheist, #secularhumanist, and #voidpunk :voidpunk_flag:. Im a #democraticsocialist or at least align that way. Also Im #xenonatured and #alderkenic.
Rn Im trying to save up for college and Canada so I can escape southern USA.
Bigots begone, this #queer bites back 😈
#arospec #bisexual #transmasc #genderfluid #atheist #secularhumanist #voidpunk #democraticsocialist #xenonatured #alderkenic #queer
Having said that, I suck at making and maintaining friendships too. Autism and being a man both make it difficult, the latter because of toxic cultural expectations.
And a QPR might be a solution in the long run when I can no longer rely on family always being there; I'm on both the aromantic and asexual spectrums, and partially sex repulsed. Or maybe I can find somebody who's prepared to accept that the canonical "sex" act probably isn't going to happen, but still see it as a relationship.
At least in a committed relationship you know where you are at with people. Well, if it works anyway. They always said relationships fail because of poor communication. Doubly true if you're autistic, but I know at least one autistic couple who make it work.
Getting on well enough with my parents and sibling that I can live with them is a big advantage in some ways; I'll probably have to move out soon but hope to be nearby.
I've somewhat successfully lived on my own. I believe many of the issues that made it difficult are resolved. On the other hand, I'm not ready to accept that Covid is over, which limits my options for socialising, even when I'm far away from my vulnerable parents.
But there was always questions over how much social contact I need, versus how much I think I *should* have.
Bottom line, there's more than one way to live.
#actuallyautistic #anxiety #acespec #arospec
#demiromantic #aro #arospec #aromantic #arocreatives #aroweekcreations #AroWeek
There are many different forms of #Aromanticism, that is why you may heard of the #AromanticSpectrum (abbreviated as #arospec). Like other sexual orientations, it exists across a range of identities. There are several terms that people may prefer to further specify - like Demiromantic, Lithromantic, Gray-aromantic to name a few.
Do you fall on the aromantic spectrum? You can check more specifications here:
#NoRomo #ASAW2023
#aromanticism #aromanticspectrum #arospec #noromo #asaw2023 #aromanticspectrumawarenessweek #AroSpecAwarenessWeek #lgbtq #lgbtqia
I present to you my prompts for this #AroWeekCreations :3
I hope everyone #AroCreatives has fun this #AroWeek ^^
You are valid c:
#arospec #aro #aromantic #AroWeek #arocreatives #aroweekcreations
on this #ValentinsDay I want to remind romantic love is neither universal nor 'what makes us human' and tell all the #aromantic and #arospec individuals "you are :valid: :QueerCatHeart_Aromantic: "
#valentinsday #aromantic #arospec
Hi, everyone :anarchoheart3:
I’m an abolitionist #vegan based in Korea. (Yes, I am Korean)
I speak Korean, English, and a little Spanish(Castellano).
I’m an #anarchist. I live with right wingers, so I’m hoping this place can be a breath of fresh air for me!
Even the “IRL” vegan climate activism circle is riddled with liberals it pains me lol.
I’m #queer 💚 (#transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec)
Also #disabled, #neurodivergent, #ChronicallyIll, #ADHDer
I’m bad at my jobs and hobbies and all my interests! And I think that’s fine :)
#dance #programming #music #singing #piano #translation #LanguageLearning #makeup #fashion
I want to stop being a #sports fan, but it’s so hard omg. #gymnastics #baseball #volleyball mostly. (#gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong)
I quit being a skating fan at least, so while I might occasionally cry over how beautiful VM was, don’t lure me back in.
Oh, and I really crave deep connections and friendships, so feel free to talk to me about anything, really.
#Introduction #Vegan #Anarchist #queer #transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec #disabled #neurodivergent #chronicallyill #ADHDer #dance #programming #Music #singing #piano #translation #languagelearning #makeup #fashion #sports #gymnastics #baseball #Volleyball #gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong
Hi, everyone :anarchoheart3:
I’m an abolitionist #vegan based in Korea. (Yes, I am Korean)
I speak Korean, English, and a little Spanish(Castellano).
I’m an #anarchist. I live with right wingers, so I’m hoping this place can be a breath of fresh air for me!
Even the vegan climate activism circle is riddled with liberals it pains me lol.
I’m #queer 💚 (#transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec)
Also #disabled, #neurodivergent, #ChronicallyIll, #ADHDer
I’m bad at my jobs and hobbies and all my interests! And I think that’s fine :)
#programming #music #singing #piano #translation #LanguageLearning #makeup #fashion
I want to stop being a #sports fan, but it’s so hard omg. #gymnastics #baseball #volleyball mostly. (#gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong)
I quit being a skating fan at least, so while I might occasionally cry over how beautiful VM was, don’t lure me back in.
Oh, and I really crave deep connections and friendships, so feel free to talk to me about anything, really.
#Introduction #Vegan #Anarchist #queer #transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec #disabled #neurodivergent #chronicallyill #ADHDer #programming #Music #singing #piano #translation #languagelearning #makeup #fashion #sports #gymnastics #baseball #Volleyball #gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong
@travelerkino Fellow #arospec member here. I'm grayro (gray aromantic), meaning that I do experience romantic attraction, but only on a very infrequent basis.
Pride 2022: Week 2 - Mess Aro/Acespec Dorito
Draw your fav character celebrating pride
Peridot's Pride
AroAce is spectrum, umbrella term and Queer orientations :3
Don't forget that!
©Lineart By TheWM4tt on Twitter
#Arospec #Acespec #Aspec #AroAce #PrideMonth #Pride #Aromantic #Asexual #Aro #Ace #Asexualspectrum #Aromanticspectrum #GlobalSouthPride #TakePride #Pride2022 #MastoArt #StevenUniverse #StevenUniverseFuture #Peridot
#peridot #StevenUniverseFuture #stevenuniverse #MastoArt #pride2022 #TakePride #GlobalSouthPride #aromanticspectrum #Asexualspectrum #ace #aro #asexual #aromantic #pride #pridemonth #aroace #aspec #acespec #arospec
Week 1 - AroAce Frog
A color palette inspired by pride flag
#Arospec #Acespec #Aspec #AroAce #PrideMonth #Pride #Aromantic #Asexual #Aro #Ace #Asexualspectrum #Aromanticspectrum #GlobalSouthPride #TakePride #Pride2022 #MastoArt
#MastoArt #pride2022 #TakePride #GlobalSouthPride #aromanticspectrum #Asexualspectrum #ace #aro #asexual #aromantic #pride #pridemonth #aroace #aspec #acespec #arospec
Some hashtags I didn't find anything for, gonna use them anyways
some interests/aspects of mine:
#xenharmonic #music #xen
#worldbuilding #conworlds
#autistic #adhd
I could label myself apophatic polytheist/atheist, or something XD a belief equivalent of genderfluidity? important not to take me too seriously here otherwise I might too
demigirl mostly, but it varies
parts of me are VOID ^^
english and german
#introduction #xenharmonic #music #xen #worldbuilding #conworlds #fantasy #anarchism #lgbtqia #autistic #adhd #genderfluid #surrealism #arospec
Hey everyone happy #AroSpecAwarenessWeek ! If you would like to help build up awareness please message your federal representatives about using more inclusive language in the Equality Act, which is in congress right now. More information (and a sample of what to write) can be found at this link!
#AroSpecAwarenessWeek #aromantic #arospec #asaw
The Arospec Poetry Network is seeking submissions from #arospec (= who belong on the #aromantic spectrum) visual artists to illustrate the fifth issue of its collective art/poetry zine “Don’t Talk To Me Of Love”.
This issue will center around the theme of different types of love.
Due date for submissions is November 15th.
The expected release date is in December.