I had some (likely) good news to share in our 149th newsletter. After 7 months, it appears that we are finally back on Bing. I noticed meaningful referrals on August 18 and it appears Bing began re-indexing our site on July 26. While I am not sure if it will stick, it looks like we are making progress. The newsletter also includes links to our newest articles and 12 interesting links from around the web.
#newsletter #blog #searchengine #aroundtheweb #links
Last week's Newsletter Leaf Journal was unusual because I did not publish any articles between July 15-22. Thus, with no NEW articles to share, I resorted to sharing more links from our archives than usual and 18 links from around the web. I thought the selection was solid.
#newsletter #aroundtheweb #atw #links #tech
I am supposed to syndicate my Saturday newsletters to the parent site on Mondays. Friday is close to Monday, right?
In any event, the newsletter (as usual) features 10 links to interesting articles from around the web in addition to news and notes from The New Leaf Journal.
#links #aroundtheweb #blog #writing
The most recent edition of The Newsletter Leaf Journal features links to our most recent articles, 10 links to interesting articles from around the web, and many reminders that my New Leaf Journal colleague and I rescued a pigeon. If you did not think that it was possible that one could find a way to discuss a pigeon rescue in notes on an article about Fire Emblem Engage, moving a WordPress site, or new discoveries about neanderthals, I prove one wrong here.
#newsletter #blogging #writing #wordpress #links #aroundtheweb #pigeons
#pigeons #aroundtheweb #links #wordpress #writing #blogging #newsletter
Exciting news for my 117th newsletter...
I just noticed Buttondown has a field for Mastodon links. Who knew? I added Mastodon and Twitter. Maybe I should do something with my GitHub account so that I have a reason to add it too...
In any event, this week's newsletter covers our newest articles (including three that eclipsed 5,000 words), 10 links from around the web, and exciting stories such as "how I briefly broke the entire site for 2-3 hours" and "trying to make my universal remote connect to my internet-deprived Roku TCL TV after replacing my soundbar" (the issues were probably unrelated, maybe).
If you like the newsletter, note it also has an RSS option.
#wordpress #aroundtheweb #buttondown #blogging #newsletter
The 115th edition of our newsletter, which happened to fall on Christmas Eve, features our eleven new articles from the week (including one app review, two Christmas decoration photos, two articles about quinces, and three reviews of old visual novels), ten links from around the web, and other news, notes, and links from our archive. If you enjoy the content, note you can subscribe to the weekly Newsletter Leaf Journal via RSS instead of email.
#newsletter #buttondown #aroundtheweb #visualnovels #christmas #christmaseve #rss
#rss #christmaseve #christmas #visualnovels #aroundtheweb #buttondown #newsletter
Our 109th newsletter includes links to our newest articles, 10 interesting links from around the web, and other news and notes.
#blog #newsletter #buttondown #nintendo #history #aroundtheweb
#aroundtheweb #history #nintendo #buttondown #newsletter #blog
Issue 104 of The Newsletter Leaf Journal features links to 16 new NLJ posts, 10 links from around the web, and Android ROMs.
The 93rd Newsletter Leaf Journal recaps the week that was at the NLJ and links to 9 articles from around the web.
#buttondown #aroundtheweb #newsletter
[#Actu] « Putting Users and Publishers at the Center of the Online Value Exchange » https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/02/04/putting-users-and-publishers-at-the-center-of-the-online-value-exchange/ #InternetHealth #PressReleases #AroundtheWeb #MozillaNews #Security #Strategy #General
#actu #internethealth #pressreleases #aroundtheweb #mozillanews #security #strategy #general
[#Actu] « Women Who Tech and Mozilla Announce Winners of Women Startup Challenge Europe » https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2018/10/26/women-who-tech-and-mozilla-announce-winners-of-women-startup-challenge-europe/ #PressReleases #AboutMozilla #AroundtheWeb #General
#actu #pressreleases #aboutmozilla #aroundtheweb #general