Bertje · @Bertjes
19 followers · 190 posts · Server

@meesj Ik zag deze presentatie en dacht dat je dit misschien interessant zou vinden.

#arpanet #ipv6 #ipv4

Last updated 1 year ago

David Abravanel · @dhla
114 followers · 432 posts · Server

“What will the implications be for humanity? Who will benefit and who will suffer? These are the important questions that we as a society must seriously ask ourselves. We are all atomic and subatomic particles and we are all wireless”

#arpanet #techno #drexciya #nowplaying

Last updated 1 year ago

Mycotropic · @mycotropic
1142 followers · 3554 posts · Server

I ed yesterday thanks to @knowncitizen, and an unnamed friend from the government!

Look I've never been and will never be a but I've been a user since the late 70's when my scout leader took us to his office in the Pentagon and showed us a green screen and typed a message to a friend in Hawaii. Nothing special but this was in 1978! So HelloWorld hits me in a very personal way.

Now if only the damn package I need actually worked!!

#helloworld #python #programmer #arpanet

Last updated 1 year ago

Catherine Berry · @isomeme
426 followers · 1837 posts · Server

Just now I was making a post elsewhere about my having experienced a particular online social evolution pattern "since I was on the ARPANET". Along with my longstanding computer geekery, I'm a huge Tolkien fan, and it struck me that being a developer who used the ARPANET is equivalent to being an elf who lived under the light of the Two Trees in Valinor. In the late Third Age of Middle Earth, or in the 2020s, we are rare, wise, and immensely powerful. 🙂

#tolkien #arpanet #humor

Last updated 1 year ago

Just a Spec · @justaspec
39 followers · 14 posts · Server

The lads (@ayush and @jaredwhite) are back with another rousing episode all about everyone's FAVORITE internet technology:

Email. ;-P

Amaze your nerd friends with all the exciting trivia you will learn in this action-packed installment of Just a Spec!

#podcast #email #arpanet #compuserve #hotmail #smtp #pop #imap

Last updated 1 year ago

@SmudgeTheInsultCat existed in the 60s. It literally is a cold war invention.


Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
592 followers · 31431 posts · Server
Yaroslav Khnygin · @surabax
55 followers · 565 posts · Server

Bob Kahn on the Birth of “Inter-networking”

"A codeveloper of TCP/IP explains what led to his collaboration with Vint Cerf"

#tcp #tcpip #internet #arpa #darpa #arpanet #computerhistory #history #networking #jcrlicklider

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
286 followers · 500 posts · Server


Ha, maybe if you came in by official channels. At MIT, we had lots (hundreds, though not all at once) of "tourist" users who arrived without any authorization from anyone, just because a parent or friend had the phone number of a TIP (terminal interface processor) they could dial up to in order to connect indirectly to an ARPANET host.

And ,hey, randomly on a related topic, people who played the games of the day and don't know about may find it fun. The version of Zork there seems to me the authentic pre-commercial version. But there are others. And the screen color is proper for an Ann Arbor Ambassador (AAA) screen type, which was very popular in the latter days of the ARPANET, pre-internet.

#arpanet #zork #games #history

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
286 followers · 500 posts · Server


Does that mean old enough to have used those tools or to have had them operating at your birth?

For me this is the difference between being Lisp old or Lisp Machine old.

And while I am certainly UUCP old by any metric, I was happy even in the day to be of a community where I had an 'at' in my name, not one or more 'bangs'. My network presence dates to somewhere between RFC733 and RFC822. :)

I kinda like the idea of talking about 'age' measuring not from birth but from the birth of adult awareness of the relevant concepts. Then it could happen at different times for different things for different people. My understanding of and entry into the computer world happened much earlier than my appreciation of and need for involvement in the political world, for example.

#lisp #LispMachine #unix #arpa #arpanet #uucp #age #aging

Last updated 1 year ago

@alcinnz @ajroach42 (Dr. Marshall) Kirk McKusick is on record from MeetBSD 2014 that if he had a time machine, he would go back and make IPv4/48-bit addressing the winner (this was apparently prototyped as IPv3):

Also with context about how NCP had 8-bit addressing.

Berkeley apparently always advocated for 48bit IP addresses, but they lost that debate. ;(

#meetbsd #meetbsd2014 #kirkmckusick #ipv4 #ipv3 #48bit #ncp #arpanet #csrg #bsd #computerhistory #timemachine #ipv6 #8bit #16bit #32bit

Last updated 1 year ago

@ajroach42 NLS (oNLine System) was an outgrowth of Engelbart's Augment group at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) and also: not military.

I'm attaching an image from The Engelbart Hypothesis (2009) which shows the meditative full lotus/cross legged seating in use by some.

Bill English (also part of Engelbart's Augment group) not only invented the mouse, he basically pioneered the field of ergonomics. They partnered with Herman Miller to design a lot of their prototypes.

Trivia: (learned via John Daneen [sp?] at n CoLABoration 2010 Program for the Future held at the Computer History Museum with Engelbart et al present) SRI actually terminated Doug Engelbart after he gave the "Mother of all Demos" presentation in 1968.

Eventually, J.C.R. Licklider heard of the presentation & was so excited that someone had built a computer network (about which he had theorized, though "Lick" worked on SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment ]) that he contacted SRI to discuss providing them with funding (which is when NLS got subsumed into [D]ARPANet).

SRI, very quietly: hired Doug back.

There's unfortunately, a lot of confusion about a lot of this stuff as much of this technology was commercialized by companies which had no stake in creating it. e.g. Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) gets more or less all of it wrong, implying that Micro$oft and Apple stole such ideas from Xerox PARC.

PARC had a cross licensing agreement with SRI and SAIL.

Additionally, it is my understanding that Apple paid SRI licensing fees when they implemented their own version of the mouse (but they only used one button, whereas SRI/Bill English had already experimented with many variations and determined through user studies that three buttons had the fewest trade offs).


#nls #sri #engelbart #billenglish #mouse #chordedkeyset #arc #hermanmiller #ergonomics #nonmilitarycomputing #arpanet #licklider #douglasengelbart #dougengelbart #jcrlicklider #augmentinghumanintelligence #computerhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

hollowone/oftenhide · @hollowone
69 followers · 504 posts · Server

if you have a day free and want to have back to the past experience with development level of network.. check this:, consider it as an online game, but truthful to the times it tries to emulate


Last updated 1 year ago

petersuber · @petersuber
3913 followers · 849 posts · Server

We should distinguish the from the world wide , which is essentially an app running on the internet. The web does not have military origins. But the internet does. See e.g. these details on , one of the internet's ancestors.

#arpanet #web #internet

Last updated 2 years ago

Redhotcyber · @redhotcyber
482 followers · 989 posts · Server

37 anni fa l'Italia inviava il primo "ping" della sua storia nella rete Arpanet

Dopo il primo messaggio pionieristico tra due computer nel 1969 (tra e University, del quale avevamo parlato in un precedente video), nacque la rete .

Nel 1985, mentre in America era da poco nato il National Science Foundation Network (che mirava a creare una rete di ricerca che facilitasse l'accesso dei ricercatori ai centri di supercalcolo finanziato da negli Stati Uniti), anche l', come altre nazioni, si connesse alla rete Arpanet nel 1986, dopo esattamente 17 anni dalla creazione del primo nodo all'UCLA.

#ucla #stanford #arpanet #accademica #nsf #italia #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Gardner ‍:sdf: · @mjgardner
603 followers · 3358 posts · Server

@blacklight @DrHyde @tyil The started being passed around and accumulating entries through the 1970s at , , , Bolt Beranek and Newman, and other pre-Internet computing centers. Some terms date back to the late 1950s MIT Tech Model Railroad Club, a very early progenitor of culture.

Far more than you ever wanted to know here:

#jargonfile #stanford #mit #carnegiemellon #hacker #sail #csail #cmu #bbn #arpanet #ai #lisp #tmrc

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Ó Duḃṫaiġ · @du_dot_ie
32 followers · 136 posts · Server

Article from 1969 -- gives you idea of some costs that would have been entailed with provisioning of circuits for the

#arpanet #techhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Stéphane Bortzmeyer · @bortzmeyer
8169 followers · 78115 posts · Server

1985: you wanted to join the ? Here is the process. Good luck with the bureaucracy :-)


Last updated 2 years ago

, and namesake of is the latest winner of the for an invention he made back in the 1970s: .
's was just a few years old when Metcalfe arrived and set up the lab with that precursor, .

#Professor #engineer #metcalfeslaw #robertmetcalfe #turingaward #ethernet #xerox #parc #internet #arpanet

Last updated 2 years ago

Histoire des · @histoireinvent
25 followers · 410 posts · Server

15 mars 1971: début des forums de discussions sur , l'ancêtre d'Internet.   

#arpanet #histoire #cejourla #invention

Last updated 2 years ago