„Gekämpft wie Löwen“
Die #streikenden #Lkw-Fahrer von #Gräfenhausen setzen sich durch. Der ausÂbeuÂteÂriÂsche ArÂbeitÂgeÂber gibt auf
Von Nelli #TĂĽgel und Jan Ole #Arps
#arps #tugel #grafenhausen #lkw #streikenden
White supremacist Philip Arps has just been jailed for four months for sending 'obscene messages' to his probation officer. He intends to appeal, prolonging the karma.
Wilder Brummi-#Streik zeigt erste #Erfolge
Die ersten streiÂkenÂden geÂorÂgiÂschen und #usbekischen #LkwFahrer auf der RastÂstätÂte GräÂfenÂhauÂsen haben aussteÂhenÂde Löhne erhalten. Vorbei ist ihr Protest aber noch nicht.
Aus Gräfenhausen und Berlin Jan Ole #Arps und Nelli #Tügel
#tugel #arps #LKWFahrer #usbekischen #erfolge #streik
The vile Arps has been convicted in Christchurch Court of obscenely abusing probation officers. His barrage of texts included “I really want to shoot you in the face.”
He's certainly not the brightest button in the box.
#arps #christchurch #chch #whitesupremacy
On the 9th November I went to the RPS in Bristol for my Associateship assessment. Very nervous and standard was very high indeed. However, I was fortunate enough to pass it and gain my ARPS and very happy indeed! This was the panel I submitted. Sadly it hasn't yet made me a better photographer LOL #photography #photo #ARPS #associateship #RPS #theRPS #people #SteamTrains
#photography #photo #arps #associateship #rps #therps #people #steamtrains