Hier als kleines vorab Weihnachts-Geschenk für alle iOS und MacOS-Nutzer. Ein #AugmentedReality-Weihnachtsbaum.
Ihr könnt ihn in Euer Wohnzimmer stellen und an ihm die Kerzen anzünden um Euch auf ein frohes Weihnachtsfest einzustimmen.
Benutzt einfach das iPhone oder iPad. Es funktioniert ohne die Installation einer App.
Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr.
Hier gehts zum #download des #free #ARQuicklook #Weihnachtsbaum #XMas für #iOS und #MasOS:
#masos #ios #xmas #Weihnachtsbaum #arquicklook #free #download #augmentedreality
Hier als kleines vorab Weihnachts-Geschenk für alle iOS und MacOS-Nutzer. Ein #AugmentedReality Weihnachtsbaum.
Ihr könnt ihn in Euer Wohnzimmer stellen und an ihm die Kerzen anzünden um Euch auf ein frohes Weihnachtsfest einzustimmen.
Benutzt einfach das iPhone oder iPad. Es funktioniert ohne die Installation einer App.
Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr.
Hier gehts zum #download des #free #ARQuicklook #Weihnachtsbaum #XMas für #iOS und #MacOS:
#macos #ios #xmas #Weihnachtsbaum #arquicklook #free #download #augmentedreality
Here as a gift to all iOS and MacOS users an #AugmentedReality Christmas tree.
You can put it in your cozy living room, ignite the candles to get in the right mood for a joyful Christmas.
Just use your iPhone or iPad. It works without installing an App.
Merry Christmas, and a happy new year.
You can download the #free #ARQuicklook #Christmastree for #iOS and #MasOS here:
#masos #ios #christmastree #arquicklook #free #augmentedreality
Here as a gift to all iOS and MacOS users an #AugmentedReality Christmas tree.
You can put it in your cozy living room, ignite the candles to get in the right mood for a joyful Christmas.
Just use your iPhone or iPad. It works without installing an App.
Merry Christmas, and a happy new year.
You can download the #free #ARQuicklook #Christmastree for #iOS and #MacOS here:
#macos #ios #christmastree #arquicklook #free #augmentedreality
Over 25 animations simultaneously + sound + exzessive use of the physics engine isn’t something every iPhone can handle such easily. The recording Stutters a bit while playing and recording at the same time. But without recording just playing its fine :-) This is an impression what the #free #game #BLOCKS looks like in #AR mode:
#realitycomposer #AugmentedReality #ARQuicklook #GoatsAndWolves
#goatsandwolves #arquicklook #augmentedreality #realitycomposer #ar #blocks #game #free
Over 25 animations simultaneously + sound + exzessive use of the physics engine isn’t something every iPhone can handle such easily. The recording Stutters a bit while playing and recording at the same time. But without recording just playing its fine :-) This is an impression what the #free #game #BLOCKS looks like in #AR mode:
#realitycomposer #AugmentedReality #ARQuicklook #GoatsAndWolves
#goatsandwolves #arquicklook #augmentedreality #realitycomposer #ar #blocks #game #free
You can download the free #ARQuicklook #game #BLOCKS here:
Enjoy playing and feel free to tell me what you think of it.
This recording shows how to play the game:
#ARQL #apple #reality #usdzshare #game #3d #realitycomposer #AugmentedReality #AR
#blocks #ar #augmentedreality #realitycomposer #3d #usdzshare #reality #apple #ARQL #game #arquicklook
A while ago I created #BLOCKS a small #ARQuicklook #game (Only iOS and Mac OS). It is #free and runs native on your system. There is no need to install an app. I had the Idea of using the „proximity to camera“ function to control the scene. It was created for IOS15, but still seem to work fine on OS16.2.
I repost this here, to make sure it still can be found by others that may be interested in #ARQL #realitycomposer #apple #AugmentedReality #AR when my account at Twitter will be gone one day…
#ar #augmentedreality #apple #realitycomposer #ARQL #free #game #arquicklook #blocks