Of course he does! #ImpeachClarenceThomas #SCOTUS #SupremeCorruption #JohnRoberts #HarlanCrow #ArrestGinniThomas
Justice Clarence Thomas Gets Extension for Financial Disclosures https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-07/justice-clarence-thomas-gets-extension-for-financial-disclosures#xj4y7vzkg
#arrestginnithomas #harlancrow #johnroberts #supremecorruption #SCOTUS #ImpeachClarenceThomas
John Roberts is confident that faith in the Supreme Court will be restored. John Roberts is all hat and no cattle. #SCOTUS #JohnRoberts #ImpeachClarenceThomas #ArrestGinniThomas
#arrestginnithomas #ImpeachClarenceThomas #johnroberts #SCOTUS
It's time to #IndictClarenceThomas.
#SCOTUS #SupremeCorruption #SupremeJoke #ArrestGinniThomas #JohnRoberts #VoteBlueButNotRFK
Clarence Thomas Helped Kill Eviction Bans That Threatened Harlan Crow’s Business https://jacobin.com/2023/04/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-gifts-eviction-ban/
#votebluebutnotrfk #johnroberts #arrestginnithomas #supremejoke #supremecorruption #SCOTUS #indictclarencethomas
@foser still pissed at CT and son for 2000…I’m way into getting off the permawar oil teat…#proLife4Trees #arrestginnithomas #ENDTHEFED … same swamp new foxes et al #ansonBurlingame … even Jimmy Carter screwed by energy bribers
#prolife4trees #arrestginnithomas #endthefed #ansonburlingame
@Quest4Blackbeard (his son’s involvement in the 2000 election still pisses me off. What a naïve idealist I was in my 20s USA USA.) #arrestginnithomas #proLife4Trees #endTheFed #ansonBurlingame #GiveCopsRaises #BustCorruptCopUnion #FireBadCops #samesong
#arrestginnithomas #prolife4trees #endthefed #ansonburlingame #givecopsraises #bustcorruptcopunion #firebadcops #samesong
Any day that Ginni is in the headlines is a good day!
Nicolle Wallace smacks down Ginni Thomas for 'demented and unethical way' of funneling money https://www.rawstory.com/ginni-thomas-unethical-dirty-money/
When is someone going to arrest #GinniThomas for treason and sedition?
#arrestginnithomas #ginnithomas