MJ Muse · @MJmusicinears
361 followers · 3885 posts · Server mastodon.world

The elephant in the room is, why not a peep from the DOJ about walking away from the White House with a cool $600M? Being the crime boss 'advisors' pays that much? Give me a break. Where is the media? Why aren't democrats opening investigations or at least screaming about THAT? Who is protecting them? FOLLOW THE MONEY

#arresttrumpcrimefamily #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #javanka #traitortrumps #trumpcrimesyndictate #arrestjaredkushner #arrestivanka #ArrestTrumpNow

Last updated 1 year ago

Airbag Moments · @airbagmoments
125 followers · 78236 posts · Server mastodon.social