The elephant in the room is, why not a peep from the DOJ about #JaVanka walking away from the White House with a cool $600M? Being the crime boss #TraitorTrumps 'advisors' pays that much? Give me a break. Where is the media? Why aren't democrats opening investigations or at least screaming about THAT? Who is protecting them? FOLLOW THE MONEY #TrumpCrimeSyndictate #ArrestJaredKushner #ArrestIvanka #ArrestTrumpNow #ArrestTrumpCrimeFamily #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#arresttrumpcrimefamily #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #javanka #traitortrumps #trumpcrimesyndictate #arrestjaredkushner #arrestivanka #ArrestTrumpNow
Let me know when the Saudis pay Hunter Biden $2B.
#JaredKushner #ArrestJaredKushner
ABC host busts GOP Oversight chair: Will you be investigating Jared Kushner too?
#arrestjaredkushner #JaredKushner
Kushner and MBS Discussed U.S. Intelligence, Legal Documents Show #TrumpCrimeFamily Four well-placed sources, say that the primary reason #Kushner has now received $2 billion is that he helped MBS depose MBN, knowing that this went directly against what U.S. intelligence wanted or thought was good for national security. Kushner has always said he did not give U.S. intelligence to the Saudis. Legal documents say otherwise #KushnerTreason #ArrestJaredKushner
#trumpcrimefamily #kushner #kushnertreason #arrestjaredkushner