I just noticed a reference to Arrgh, Thar be Zombies!!! the pirate sourcebook for All Flesh Must Be Eaten in the inspired by section of the Pirate Borg Kickstarter. Totally missed that when I backed it.
Dan would have been proud and I’m pretty sure he would have backed this KS.
#rpg #kickstarter #KickstarterGames #AllFleshMustBeEaten #afmbe #PirateBorg #MorkBorg #MÖRKBORG #Arrghtharbezombies #zombies #pirates #zombiesvspirates
#rpg #kickstarter #KickstarterGames #allfleshmustbeeaten #afmbe #PirateBorg #MorkBorg #arrghtharbezombies #zombies #pirates #zombiesvspirates