#arrive : to come to the shore or bank. in present usage: to come in progress by water, or by traveling on land
- French: arrive
- German: ankommen
- Italian: arrivare
- Portuguese: chegar
- Spanish: llega
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Emergency Baby Formula Shipments Arrive in U.S. Amid Mass Shortage #emergency #baby #formula #shipments #arrive #amid #mass #shortage #23maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG16LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA1LzIyL2JhYnktZm9ybXVsYS1lbWVyZ2VuY3ktc2hpcG1lbnQtYXJyaXZlLXVzLXNob3J0YWdlLw==
#23maggio #Shortage #mass #amid #arrive #shipments #formula #baby #emergency