Notes on Field Day 2023
I wrapped up another field day with my friend Paul (W7PEZ) in Eastern Washington. For the two days, I had 204 contacts, broken out roughly as:
Yes, I worked SSB. It was kinda Frankfurt United Norway
#radio #travel #k4 #n1mm #fieldday #arrlfieldday
Here is my requisite #arrlfieldday social media post: I will be operating AD6DM 1E SV in CM98hj #arrlfd #fieldday2023
#fieldday2023 #arrlfd #arrlfieldday
If you live near Chesapeake, VA, come join CARS at our Field Day 2023 event!
We will be at Deep Creek Park (437 George Washington Hwy S) from 2pm Saturday until 2pm Sunday. The event is open to the public during the park's normal hours.
Our mastodon instance is not allow us to post pictures so visit our Field Day website for directions and the site map:
I may not make a single contact with it, but I’m bringing along my original Dave Benson 40-meter Rock-Mite to Field Day this year. I’ll be joining several Alaskan #POTA & #SOTA ops as we team up for the Matanuska Amateur Radio Association, KL7JFU. #ARRLFieldDay
A pretty cool interview with two of the officers of my regional Sacramento County #ARES group with a bit of publicity for #ARRLFieldDay
We're ready for #FieldDay. Are you? #arrlfieldday #fieldday2023
#fieldday2023 #arrlfieldday #fieldday
Still looking for an antenna for your #FieldDay or #POTA station? Why not give a try to an End-Fed Half Wave #EFHW #antenna? Simple to build, easy to deploy. #hamradio #hamr #arrlfieldday #fieldday2023 #2023FieldDay
#2023fieldday #fieldday2023 #arrlfieldday #hamr #hamradio #antenna #efhw #pota #fieldday
Many of us still remember how afraid we were to ask an experienced operator to stop whatever they were doing and allow us to make come contacts, or how difficult it was to overcome mic fright; We have reserved time on each stations for exclusive use by workshops participants, with no pressure to "make points", and with support from experienced operators.
#fieldday #fieldday2023 #arrlfieldday #2023fieldday #emcomm
#emcomm #2023fieldday #arrlfieldday #fieldday2023 #fieldday
As each year, Vienna Wireless Society will hold their Field Day at the Burke Lake Park, in Fairfax Station, VA.
As each year, we're going to have great food and a lot of fun.
What's new this year, are workshops for new hams.
#fieldday #fieldday2023 #arrlfieldday #2023fieldday #emcomm
#emcomm #2023fieldday #arrlfieldday #fieldday2023 #fieldday
I am so excited for #ARRLFieldDay, which I get to participate in remotely with @ab9mz!
My local club is not participating this year, so I'm super thankful for this amazing opportunity.
I'll be opperating an Icom IC7300 which will become mine once I upgrade to #General, which is still one of my goals for this year.
I enjoy FD and all. Nice to see a team effort. But I get my results as soon as I turn my radio off in the park. Every day is Field Day with Parks On The Air! #POTA #POTAon
2022 ARRL Field Day Scores are OFFICIALLY LISTED!
See them now by checking out the December edition of QST magazine ( ), or by heading to the following link:
#arrlfieldday #amateurradio #hamradio #arrl #potaon #pota