🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #NightTracks
Howard Skempton, Ars Nova Copenhagen & Paul Hillier:
🎵 More sweet than my refrain
#HowardSkempton #ArsNovaCopenhagen #PaulHillier
#nowplaying #NightTracks #howardskempton #arsnovacopenhagen #paulhillier #spotify
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Caroline Shaw, Paul Hillier & Ars Nova Copenhagen:
🎵 And the swallow
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #CarolineShaw #paulhillier #arsnovacopenhagen #spotify
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #TheNightTracksMix
Caroline Shaw, Ars Nova Copenhagen & Paul Hillier:
🎵 And The Swallow
#nowplaying #TheNightTracksMix #CarolineShaw #arsnovacopenhagen #paulhillier
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Caroline Shaw, Paul Hillier & Ars Nova Copenhagen:
🎵 And the swallow
#nowplaying #breakfast #CarolineShaw #paulhillier #arsnovacopenhagen
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Howard Skempton, Ars Nova Copenhagen & Paul Hillier:
🎵 More sweet than my refrain
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #howardskempton #arsnovacopenhagen #paulhillier
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #NightTracks
Julia Wolfe, Ars Nova Copenhagen & Paul Hillier:
🎵 Guard My Tongue
#nowplaying #NightTracks #juliawolfe #arsnovacopenhagen #paulhillier
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Nino Janjgava, John Tavener, Arvo Pärt, Ars Nova Copenhagen & Paul Hillier:
🎵 Alleluias 1, 5 & 11; The Lamb; Alleluias 7 & 8; Bogoróditse Dyévo Ráduisya
#NinoJanjgava #JohnTavener #ArvoPärt #ArsNovaCopenhagen #PaulHillier
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #ninojanjgava #JohnTavener #arvopart #arsnovacopenhagen #paulhillier
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Rued Langgaard, Ars Nova Copenhagen & Tamás Vető:
🎵 Behind the wall stand the little roses (Rose Garden Songs)
#RuedLanggaard #ArsNovaCopenhagen #TamásVető
#nowplaying #breakfast #ruedlanggaard #arsnovacopenhagen #tamasveto #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
John Dunstable, Ars Nova Copenhagen & Paul Hillier:
🎵 Veni Sancte Spiritus
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #johndunstable #arsnovacopenhagen #paulhillier