RT @EdSantos754
I wrote something on #Article17 for #WhatNextLaw.
It won't help with interpreting / implementing #Art17 (just like the guidelines of the EC, then!), but it has its own merits. E.g., I managed to pass through the editors:
- a slang-ish title
- actual programming code*
#art17 #whatnextlaw #article17
So I wrote something on #Article17 for #WhatNextLaw. It won't help with interpreting / implementing #Art17 (just like the guidelines of the EC, then!), but it has its own merits. For example, I managed to pass through the editors:
- a slang-ish title
- actual programming code
Ok, when I say code, it's what you'd expect from a lawyer: 1) it's python, 2) like the most basic python ever, 3) and it doesn't even run. Oh well, they still accepted it :)
⬇️ ⬇️
Law ain’t Code
#article17 #whatnextlaw #art17
RT @crueffer@twitter.com
Noch bis Mitternacht könnt ihr diese wichtige #Petition unterschreiben, damit Eltern pflegebedürftiger Kinder endlich besser entlastet werden. #pflegendeEltern #Art17
#petition #PflegendeEltern #art17
Vergissmeinnicht - oder lieber doch?
Der Bayerische Landesbeauftragte für den #Datenschutz veröffentlicht #Orientierungshilfe zum Recht auf #Löschung
#DSGVO #Art17 #BayLfD #Bayern
Orientierungshilfe "Das Recht auf Löschung nach der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung"
Link zum PDF
#datenschutz #orientierungshilfe #löschung #dsgvo #art17 #BayLfD #bayern
RT @authorsocieties: #CJEU confirms that #Art17 is a good law & legislators carefully considered all aspects to strike the right balance. Congratulations again to @AxelVossMdEP @JeanMarieCAVADA @HelgaTruepel @MEP_Ehler @PervencheBeres @sabineverheyen @VRoziere @GabrielMariya @GOettingerEU @Ansip_EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/PervencheBeres/status/1519364738672738306
RT @authorsocieties: #CJEU confirms that #Art17 is a good law & legislators carefully considered all aspects to strike the right balance. Congratulations again to @AxelVossMdEP @JeanMarieCAVADA @HelgaTruepel @MEP_Ehler @PervencheBeres @sabineverheyen @VRoziere @GabrielMariya @GOettingerEU @Ansip_EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HelgaTruepel/status/1519314462209376257
Das Urteil des #EuGH in Sachen #uploadfilter #Art17 liegt nun auch auf Deutsch vor C-401/19 https://t1p.de/bbtr5
RT @reesmarc@twitter.com
Rapport #Hadopi CNC CSPLA pour la mise en œuvre de l’article 17 de la directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur #article17 #copyrightdirective #art17
#hadopi #article17 #copyrightdirective #art17
RT @EFF@twitter.activitypub.actor
#Art17 della #DirettivaCopyright potrebbe portare all’utilizzo di filtri, ma il #GDPR ha disciplina specifica per “processi decisionali automatizzati” - Stati Membri devono considerare questo possible conflitto prima delle trasposizioni nazionali!
#art17 #direttivacopyright #gdpr
Good news: Julia Reda is back. With a vengeance ;-)
#Urheberrecht #copyright #art17 #copyrightreform #controlc #gff #juliareda
#urheberrecht #copyright #art17 #copyrightreform #controlc #gff #juliareda
RT @InnoGenna@twitter.com
Remarkably, a group of 51 #copyright academics has publish a set of recommendations to make #art17 #uploadfilter of #copyrightdirective complying with #FreedomOfSpeech (in the past it never happened that a new European rule creates so much concern) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3484968
#freedomofspeech #copyrightdirective #uploadfilter #art17 #copyright