Day 23 Mystic Woods acrylic textile paint on T-shirts from last year. Hand painted while listening to novels on Audible. #artadventcalander #artadventcalendar2022 #AltTxt #alttext #lancasteruk #lancasterLancashire
#artadventcalander #artadventcalendar2022 #AltTxt #alttext #lancasteruk #lancasterlancashire
Day 24 - #ArtAdventCalendar2022
Dandelion clock drawn a few years ago
#artadventcalendar2022 #sketching #art #MastoArt #fediverseart #ink #sketch
Day 22 On a walk near me is a heart shaped wall flower. #artadventcalander #artadventcalendar2022 #AltTxt #alttext #flowersuk #flowers #lancasteruk #lancasterLancashire
#artadventcalander #artadventcalendar2022 #AltTxt #alttext #flowersuk #flowers #lancasteruk #lancasterlancashire
Day 23 - #ArtAdventCalendar2022
Pencil sketch of a stone with quartz intrusions. Smoothed by the waves. Found on a stony beach.
#Art #MastoArt #FediverseArt
#pebbles #Stones
#artadventcalendar2022 #sketching #art #MastoArt #fediverseart #pebbles #stones
Day 22 #ArtAdventCalendar2022
Tiny snail ascended to the top of a very tall plant and fell asleep on one of the petals.
#Art #MastoArt
#plants #snail #wildlife
#artadventcalendar2022 #photography #art #MastoArt #plants #snail #wildlife #atinygardeninnortheastwales
Day 21 DJ Grogu #Grogru #babyyoda #djyoda #altext #alttxt. #ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022
#grogru #babyYoda #djyoda #altext #AltTxt #ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022
Day 21 #ArtAdventCalendar2022
Using a rigid card substrate, then layering on decomposed petals from a Hydrangea flower. Inked and then printed using a print press.
More on the process
#Art #MastoArt #Printmaking #FlowerPetals
#artadventcalendar2022 #collograph #art #MastoArt #printmaking #flowerpetals
Day 20 - #ArtAdventCalendar2022
A seasonal make. A little snowman, making sure he is bundled up warm against the cold weather.
#artadventcalendar2022 #needlefelting #art #MastoArt #wool #sculpture #3d
Day 19 #ArtAdventCalendar2022
Ink sketch of a garland I bought years ago which had birds made from old saris. I sketched my own interpretations of the birds giving them all characters. From this I made a series of cards for people and called them Sari Birds. Definitely need to resurrect these. We all need some Sari Birds in our lives.
#Art #MastoArt
#Sketching #NoteCards
#artadventcalendar2022 #art #MastoArt #sketching #notecards #saribirds #patterns
Day 18 - #ArtAdventCalendar2022
A cyanotype created using a bit of voile lace panel. I love the effect it gives, rather fae like. I mainly do plants from the hedgerows and my garden, but this was such a beautiful panel I had to see how it would turn out.
#Art #MastoArt
#artadventcalendar2022 #cyanotype #art #MastoArt #blueandwhite #sunprinting
Day 17 #ArtAdventCalendar2022
We grow fennel in our veg garden, it grows very tall and has lots of fronds and seeds. We collect the seeds to eat. Shot in black and white to capture the structural beauty of the plant.
#Art #MastoArt #BlackAndWhite
#plants #Gardening
#artadventcalendar2022 #photography #art #MastoArt #blackandwhite #plants #gardening #atinygardeninnortheastwales
Day 16 - #ArtAdventCalendar2022
In 2020. I started a 12 month embroidery hoop project documenting views from my windows, garden, weather etc. Little did we realise that in March 2020 life would change drastically. This is my reaction to the events of 2020 month by month. January is at the top of the hoop with the tree, & it goes round the months clockwise. See AltText for segment details or ask me anything x
#textiles #embroidery #beads #StitchedText #Craftivsm
#artadventcalendar2022 #textileart #textiles #embroidery #beads #stitchedtext #craftivsm #angrystitching
Day 15 The Fire Fairy, Digital Fractal Art. #fractalart #digitalart #fairyart #fairies #ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022
#fractalart #digitalart #fairyart #fairies #ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022
Day 15
Another stitched piece completed during lockdown. Originally sketched as a still life, the embroidery is a tiny extract converted into long and short stitches.
#Art #Stitches #MastoArt
#artadventcalendar2022 #embroidery #art #stitches #MastoArt #abstract
Hello. How are yiz? I'm fair puggled...massively CBA here but did some more to my physical art on canvas things that clutter up my home and stink and make a mess #art #adventskalender #ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalender #artadvent #artadventcalendar2022
#artadventcalendar2022 #artadvent #artadventcalender #artadventcalendar #adventskalender #art
Day 14 hibernation. A fractal art picture using digital software. #ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022 #digitalart #fractalart
#ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022 #digitalart #fractalart
Day 14 #ArtAdventCalendar2022
An osteospurmum after the rain.
#Art #MastoArt #flower #petals #raindrops
#artadventcalendar2022 #photography #art #MastoArt #flower #petals #Raindrops
Day 13 pen and in. The Winding tree. #ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022 #penandink #penandinkart
#ArtAdventCalendar #artadventcalendar2022 #penandink #penandinkart
Day 13 (part 3)
From idea to lino print. Sketch done, lino block done. Printed using a blend to create a inky blue & black at the edges with an orange middle. Had to use a massive roller. Printed more than needed so used surplus to create a large piece of work to put on my wall.
#Art #MastoArt #LinoPrint
#artadventcalendar2022 #art #MastoArt #linoprint #printmaking #blendedinking