Here's a thing I wrote last year, for which I obtained my first ever official rejection letter from the New Yorker magazine's Shouts & Murmurs column - which was a rite of passage and an honor! Much of the dialog was taken verbatim from actual feedback I have received.
GUERNICA by Blake Leyh
#Writing #Satire #Picasso #Guernica #Humor #ArtAndCapitalism #CorporateArt #Feedback
#feedback #corporateart #artandcapitalism #Humor #Guernica #Picasso #satire #Writing
I've written many post on this on my blog.. .on wanting to find a way... making art under capitalist constraints, outside of the gallery to investor gatekeepers. So many problems. So many questions. Making a living is the least of it--we know how to survive on the margins, but an artist outside the "Art World" involves deeper problems.. if one hopes others to see and experience what we make. We need to create together, other venues.
I'd love exchange ideas.along these lines