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#mecfs #artandscience #performanceart #LongCovid #vienna #kunstlerhaus
Terça-feira, dia 20, recebemos o Pedro Isidoro (Universidade Aberta de Portugal), na nossa sala virtual, para mais uma sessão do ciclo “Quando a Ciência e a Tecnologia se Cruzam com as Artes e as Letras”.
#histodons #paintings #ArtAndScience #ClimateChange #EnvHist #EnvironmentalHistory #HistoricalSources
#histodons #paintings #artandscience #climatechange #envhist #environmentalhistory #historicalsources
☀️ Se quiserem participar nos cursos de Julho da Escola de Verão da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - NOVA FCSH, deverão fazer a vossa inscrição até ao dia 18 de Junho. Estas são as duas propostas do IHC:
🎙 Metodologia da História Oral, com Raquel Paulo Rato;
🌾 Botânica e Arte, com Luís Mendonça de Carvalho;
ℹ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/agenda/
#histodons #OralHistory #ArtAndScience #Botany #Arts #SummerSchool #FilmStudies #HistóriaOral #Botânica #Arte #ArteECiência #EscolaDeVerão
#histodons #oralhistory #artandscience #botany #arts #summerschool #filmstudies #historiaoral #botanica #arte #arteeciencia #escoladeverao
Maria Helena Santana, do Centro de Literatura Portuguesa, é a convidada da sexta sessão do ciclo “Quando a Ciência e a Tecnologia se Cruzam com as Artes e as Letras”.
A professora da Universidade de Coimbra vai ilustrar diferentes momentos da aproximação entre ciência e literatura, com base na literatura portuguesa dos séculos XIX e XX.
#histodons #ArtAndScience #ScienceAndLiterature #Modernity #PortugueseLiterature #LitStudies #LietaruraPortuguesa #CiênciaELiteratura
#histodons #artandscience #scienceandliterature #modernity #portugueseliterature #litstudies #lietaruraportuguesa #cienciaeliteratura
A próxima sessão do terceiro ciclo de conferências que cruza a Ciência e Tecnologia com as Artes e Letras terá Sónia Talhé Azambuja (Instituto Superior de Agronomia) como convidada e vai decorrer no dia 11 de Abril, como habitualmente, via Zoom.
#histodons #Art #paintings #ArtAndScience #AnimalsInPaintings #PlantsInPaintings
#histodons #art #paintings #artandscience #animalsinpaintings #plantsinpaintings
👋 A reminder that the Associate Lab #IN2PAST is receiving proposals from potential applicants to the FCT's Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (6-year research contracts).
📆 Send us your proposal by 6 April.
ℹ https://bit.ly/ceecin2past23
#histodons #Archaeodons #ScienceJobs #ArtAndScience #Heritage #Anthropology
#IN2PAST #histodons #archaeodons #sciencejobs #artandscience #heritage #anthropology
No dia 21 de Março, recebemos, na nossa sala virtual, o Rodrigo Teodoro de Paula (CESEM) para a conferência "Altissonantes vozes de bronze: memória e dinamização do património sineiro eborense", integrada no terceiro Ciclo Internacional de Vídeoconferências "Quando a Ciência e a Tecnologia se cruzam com as Artes e as Letras".
#histodons #bells #Heritage #Évora #ArtAndScience #MusicalHeritage
#histodons #bells #heritage #evora #artandscience #musicalheritage
Eleonora Bilotta and her team design bronze pendants and silver earrings using models of chaos. “The beauty of chaos lies in the exploration of mathematical and philosophical ideas about the nature of the world and the infinite possibilities that exist within it,” Bilotta says.
#physicsmagazine #STEM #science #scienceandart #physics #fashion #complex #complexsystems #jewelry #choas #pendant #bronze #earrings #mathematics #artandscience
#artandscience #mathematics #earrings #bronze #pendant #choas #jewelry #complexsystems #complex #fashion #physics #scienceandart #science #stem #physicsmagazine
Amanhã é dia de ciclo “Quando a Ciência e a Tecnologia se Cruzam com as Artes e as Letras”, onde o convidado vai ser o nosso José Pedro Sousa Dias, com a apresentação "A longa marcha da medicina contemporânea: Teoria, prática e sociedade".
#histodons #histmed #historyofmedicine #artandscience
RT @WiebkeArlt@twitter.com
Many thanks @GilesYeo@twitter.com for coming to the @MRC_LMS@twitter.com to talk about your #pictureofhealth co-created with your wife - fascinating and stimulating like all the other exhibits and events during yesterdays great event #artandscience https://twitter.com/drlindsaykeith/status/1613253283203928064
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WiebkeArlt/status/1613427920139075584
#pictureofhealth #artandscience
#Art #ArtAndScience
Art and science were one closely related, contributing to each other. If it were only on the level of Wonder--and stimulous of imagination--they still are. Here is something to make one's mind Pop with wonder! https://www.sciencealert.com/were-on-the-brink-of-hearing-the-universes-background-hum-heres-why-were-listening?fbclid=IwAR3MP2-3F5deeSmvbZdy8fjbJAvfRRUjuUftMIafOAH7gr2MT7xCIDzDZeg
Just for the fun of it I decided to update the very first science illustration I created in 1998 for NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory before the mission launched. Learn more about this image here: https://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2001/blackholes/
#art #scienceillustration #chandraxray #science #astronomy #astrophysics #blackhole #neutronstar #sciart #astroart #scienceandart #artandscience
#art #scienceillustration #chandraxray #Science #astronomy #astrophysics #blackhole #neutronstar #sciart #astroart #scienceandart #artandscience
Just for the fun of it I decided to update the very first science illustration I created in 1998 for NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory before the mission launched. Learn more about this image here: https://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2001/blackholes/
#art #scienceillustration #chandraxray #science #astronomy #astrophysics #blackhole #neutronstar #sciart #astroart #scienceandart #artandscience
#art #scienceillustration #chandraxray #Science #astronomy #astrophysics #blackhole #neutronstar #sciart #astroart #scienceandart #artandscience
Esta tarde, fechamos o nosso ano de actividades públicas com uma conferência do ciclo “Quando a Ciência e a Tecnologia se Cruzam com as Artes e as Letras”.
Javier García de Souza, biólogo, actor e bailarino argentino, vai-nos mostrar como as artes cénicas podem servir para a promoção da cultura científica e construção de conhecimento.
#scicomm #scientificculture #artandscience
Usually when we think about black holes, we think that nothing can escape it's clutches. But SURPRISE! 😲 Some material does indeed escape and is ejected away from the black hole in massive jets moving at almost the speed of light. Learn more about this phenomenon here: https://chandra.si.edu/photo/2020/m87/
Illustration credit: NASA/CXC/Melissa Weiss
#sciart #ChandraXrayObservatory #blackhole #science #astronomy #astroart #art #artandscience #scienceandart #NASA #scienceillustration
#sciart #chandraxrayobservatory #blackhole #Science #astronomy #astroart #art #artandscience #scienceandart #nasa #scienceillustration
No dia 20 de Dezembro, receberemos, na nossa sala virtual, o Javier García de Souza para a última conferência de 2022 do ciclo “Quando a Ciência e a Tecnologia se Cruzam com as Artes e as Letras”.
O biólogo, actor e bailarino argentino vai-nos mostrar como as artes cénicas podem servir para a promoção da cultura científica e construção de conhecimento.
#scicomm #scientificculture #artandscience
2/3 I’ve used this method to teach colors in early childhood education classes, as well as lessons on galaxies, and states of matter. The look on a 4 year old’s face when they see the finished galaxy-colored shirt they made (/helped make), and then their wide-eyed excitement because “LOOK, I MADE A SPIRAL GALAXY” is just the best. #STEAM #STEAMEducation #TeachingArtist #ScienceAndArt #ArtAndScience
#steam #steameducation #teachingartist #scienceandart #artandscience
#watercolor study
I'm learning about pigment mixtures and find it incredibly fascinating. Growing up, watercolor was the one medium I always felt I couldn't control which frustrated me, so I avoided it. I've now realized that's the beauty of it. It has an organic tendency, a mind of its own. The mixture of water and pigments shifts and eventually settles--An art and science.
#art #sketching #fediart #MastoArt #scienceandart #artandscience
#watercolor #artadventcalendar #art #sketching #fediart #MastoArt #scienceandart #artandscience
A dragon’s egg I unearthed while digging for clams 🐲🐚
Study #370
Archival Pigment Print, 16x16
#bayareaartist #bayareaart #sfart #oaklandart #oaklandartist #finearts #ink #pigment #patternsinnature #biologicalart #scienceart #sciart #experimentalartist #biomorphicart #experimentalart #experimentalphotography #organicforms #artandscience #abstractphotography #biomorphic
#biomorphic #abstractphotography #artandscience #OrganicForms #experimentalphotography #experimentalart #biomorphicart #ExperimentalArtist #sciart #scienceart #biologicalart #patternsinnature #pigment #ink #finearts #oaklandartist #oaklandart #sfart #bayareaart #bayareaartist