Burning to tell you about,
the so many ways which archaeologists can bring the past alive, this can range from outdoor learning activities, experimental archaeology, art & performances.
There is definitely something for everyone to get involved.
Image: The amazing James Dilley of Ancient Craft at BuildNBurn event in 2015 in Caithness
#Archaeology #ExperimentalArchaeology #ArtArchaeology #Scotland #Art
#art #scotland #artarchaeology #experimentalarchaeology #archaeology
Just available OA: Dawson et al
Digital Images in the Making, Visual Resources, 37(1): 31-43, DOI: 10.1080/01973762.2022
#DigitalArchaeology #DiffractiveImages #ArtArchaeology #DiffractiveMaterialCulture
#digitalarchaeology #diffractiveimages #artarchaeology #diffractivematerialculture