Just download the zip and all the PNG's are in there! Be sure to follow the directions on the preview
There is a total of 33 different PNG's to choose from, mix and match as you need or want! Have fun!
boosts super appriciated
#furry #furryart #furryartist #art #artist #base #furrybase #artbase #freetouse #free #freebase #heart #emoji #emote
#furry #furryart #furryartist #art #artist #base #furrybase #artbase #freetouse #free #freebase #heart #emoji #emote
In the chapter, I talk about the #ArtBase redesign started with
@Rhizome and @despens back in 2016, and what could be next steps for software archives when screenshots are read as data sources (and not just static captures of what happens on a screen). Message if interested in proof PDF.
Linked Open Data 如何連結數位人文 系列講座
講題: LOD才是未來 - 紐約數位藝術獨立機構 Rhizome 的 Wikibase 應用
主持人:#王文岳 (Wikidata Taiwan 召集人)
主講人:#陳禹先 ( 2022 Fulbright訪問學者(駐Rhizome)/獨立研究者)
時間:2022/12/16 19:00 - 21:00
實體場地:成功大學歷史系教室 25129
#wikidata #wikibase #LOD #Rhizone #artbase #opendata #linkedopendata
#linkedopendata #opendata #artbase #Rhizone #LOD #Wikibase #wikidata #陳禹先 #王文岳
Linked Open Data 如何連結數位人文 系列講座
講題: LOD才是未來 - 紐約數位藝術獨立機構 Rhizome 的 Wikibase 應用
主持人:王文岳 (Wikidata Taiwan 召集人)
主講人: 陳禹先 ( 2022 Fulbright訪問學者(駐Rhizome)/獨立研究者)
時間:2022/12/16 19:00 - 21:00
總部位在紐約的 #Rhizome,是全世界投入數位藝術、網路藝術的先驅,在2019年將當時營運N年的Artbase轉置為採用開放鏈結資料架構的Wikibase。Rhizome雖然歷史悠久,但這個不到5個人的獨立藝術單位,是為什麼?又如何?至今已成為帶領英語世界Wikibase社群的先驅。
主辦單位: Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群、國立成功大學開放知識社
特別感謝:Wikimedia Deutschland
#LOD #artbase #Wikibase #wikidata #rhizome
#ArtBase, an archive of 2,000+ born-digital artworks
'Above all we have endeavored to define and advocate for sustainable, scalable preservation of born-digital art based on reproducible performance and continuous access for the general public and researchers alike.
The new ArtBase will better serve general audiences looking to discover born-digital art history, and scholars and students needing accurate and robust access to artifacts.'
#artbase #art #digitalartworks #digitalart