#AI #Art about to take #ArtBasel by storm ngl - here’s “#NorthKorea #StarTrek” - as seen on a #Facebook group called #CursedAI (link with even more pictures: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cursedaiwtf/permalink/1348483922426754/?mibextid=WiMSqg)
#AIArt #cursedai #Facebook #startrek #northkorea #artbasel #Art #AI
@artnews is reporting that Sky Hopinka is one of two winners of the Baloise Art Prize at Art Basel.
You can catch his film "Lore" here through September 24. https://georgiamuseum.org/exhibit/sky-hopinka-lore/
#ArtNews #SkyHopinka #IndigenousArtists #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #ArtMuseum #ArtBasel #ArtPrize
#artnews #skyhopinka #indigenousartists #georgiamuseumofart #artmuseum #artbasel #artprize
At Art Basel, the hot topic is now #AI. Will #NFTs rise again?
#ai #nfts #art #artbasel #creativity
Bubble wrap filters, photograms, rethinking the act of seeing…a roundup of photography from this Swiss #photography festival is really worth exploring. (via @guardiannews)
#photography #photographer #art #artbasel
Kunstsommer in Basel! Mitte Juni öffnen die Art Basel und die Liste Art Fair Basel wieder ihre Türen. Was gibt es dieses Jahr alles zu entdecken?
#ArtBasel #JoannaKamm #Kunstmesse #ListeArtFairBasel #MonopolPodcast #Schweiz #KunstUndLebenDerMonopolPodcast
#artbasel #joannakamm #kunstmesse #listeartfairbasel #monopolpodcast #schweiz #kunstundlebendermonopolpodcast
Ai Weiwei’s Last Supper at Art Basel. #艾未未 #aiweiwei #aiww #lastsupper #art #toybricks #artbasel #neugerriemschneider https://nitter.hongkongers.net/aiww/status/1668535238295691264#m
#艾未未 #aiweiwei #aiww #lastsupper #art #toybricks #artbasel #neugerriemschneider
Art Basel in Basel June 15–18, 2023
GOLDBALL #GanArt_ by #pjArtbasel
#pjartbasel #ganart_ #artbasel
#artbasel 🎨Woche startet, die beste Woche des 📅! Heute Anfang mit #Basquiat in der #FondationBeyeler mit Freundin 👩🎤👩🎤, die vor 10 Jahren das 1. Bild 🖼️ meiner Tochter gekauft hat ( als die noch dachte, dass sie Malerin wird).
Es geht loooos!
#FondationBeyeler #Basquiat #artbasel
@farahmaster RT by @JessiePang0125: Hong Kong heiress sues gallery owner Pearl Lam over Banksy painting @ReutersChina #artbasel https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/hong-kong-heiress-sues-gallery-owner-pearl-lam-over-banksy-painting-2023-03-22/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/farahmaster/status/1638724664804671489#m
呢邊係瑞銀,對面海又係瑞銀,瑞銀真係多銀。 #hkig #hk #hongkong #artfair #artmonth #artbaselhongkong #artbasel #ubs https://instagr.am/p/CqFokXxvZWt/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/cowcfj/status/1638495163893858306#m
#hkig #hk #hongkong #artfair #artmonth #artbaselhongkong #artbasel #ubs
Städtisches Museum Saarlouis
🏷Tags: #saarland #architektur #klarelinien #modern #archilovers #art #contemporaryart #artist #artwork #modernart #history #architecture #travel #artbasel #exhibition #photography #gnmhaward #design #artcurator #artgallery #saarlouis #museum
#museum #saarlouis #artgallery #artcurator #design #gnmhaward #photography #exhibition #artbasel #travel #architecture #history #modernart #artwork #artist #contemporaryart #art #archilovers #modern #klarelinien #architektur #saarland
RT @PartisiansNFT
NFTs are big however the majority lack much real utility. The first generation of NFT Marketplaces have raised over $500m in institutional funding but do not always have their interests aligned with the earliest supporters, creators, and loyal members. #MiamiArtWeek #ArtBasel
#artforum #artbasel #momaps1 #jungian #adhd #neurodivergent #hegel #queer #abstraction #sculpture #clay #spiral #spacialpractice. #sublime #spectacle #abstractart #hangul #korean my favourite musicians atm are #carolinepolacheck #mykkiblanco #deanblunt #mallgrab #beverly-glenncopeland this is so earnest and embarrassing and pure comedy.
#artforum #artbasel #momaps1 #jungian #adhd #neurodivergent #hegel #queer #abstraction #sculpture #clay #spiral #spacialpractice #sublime #spectacle #abstractart #hangul #korean #carolinepolacheck #mykkiblanco #deanblunt #mallgrab #beverly
I saw this candle holder at #ArtBasel and now all I can think of is "how can I riff off this to make something cool!"
The vibrant work of Eureka, Ca artist Augustus Clark. Local legend! His art can be found at the C St studio in Old Town. #art #artbasel #colors @LostReflector @mrcompletely
RT @davetroy@twitter.com
Interesting choice of theme for #ArtBasel 2022. From a few weeks ago.
From #ArtBasel #MiamiBeach last year. How did this photo happen? On the sidewalk:
Me to her: I love your outfit!
Her: Take a photo with me!
Me: Okay!
Her: Wanna grab it?
Me: Uh...yes.
Lincoln Road - Miami Beach
#photography #blackandwhitephotography
#miamibeach #fashion #sobe
#artbasel #sobe #fashion #miamibeach #blackandwhitephotography #photography