#NowPlaying Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers - Free For All (Blue Note, 1965 / 1977 reissue).
This record is a beast 🔥
#nowplaying #artblakey #jazzmessengers #bluenoterecords
Sometimes mutual social media spins are infectious 😀, so with that said, up now, Somethin' Else from 1958, one of the best Jazz albums ever made.This one on Waxtime. Love it!! #NowSpinning #Jazz #Bop #CannonballAdderley #MilesDavis #HankJones #SamJones #ArtBlakey
#nowspinning #jazz #bop #cannonballadderley #milesdavis #hankjones #samjones #artblakey
Check out First Flight To Tokyo: The Lost 1961 Recordings by Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers on Amazon Music
#jazz #artblakey
Minor Key . Net Playlist 8/6/23
#SonnyRollins #ArtBlakey, #KennyDrew #MilesDavis #JackieMcLean #WalterBisho, #TommyPotter #AlinaIbragimova #CharlesMingus
#Jazz #Violin #Violinist #JazzMusic #Mendelssohn #Shostakovich #ClassicalMusic #RomanticComposer #composer #Cello #Cellist #Concerto #Playlist
#sonnyrollins #artblakey #kennydrew #milesdavis #jackiemclean #walterbisho #tommypotter #alinaibragimova #charlesmingus #jazz #violin #violinist #jazzmusic #mendelssohn #shostakovich #classicalmusic #romanticcomposer #composer #cello #cellist #concerto #playlist
#NowPlaying #SonnyRollins with The Modern #Jazz Quartet, #ArtBlakey, and #KennyDrew. An album simply titled, Sonny Rollins With #TheModernJazzQuartet. #JazzMusic
#nowplaying #sonnyrollins #jazz #artblakey #kennydrew #themodernjazzquartet #jazzmusic
Minor Key . Net Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers Playlist 8/3/23
#ArtBlakey #JazzMessengers #Jazz #JazzMusic #playlist #NowPlaying
#artblakey #jazzmessengers #jazz #jazzmusic #playlist #nowplaying
@romanalanwrites I was introduced to #ArtBlakey at a young age by an older work colleague who was obsessed with him. He gave me a great Art Blakey mixtape which I still have somewhere in my archives.
Some of these bebop tunes became jazz standards in their own right: Witness –
Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers, "A Night In Tunisia" (14 August 1960 at Englewood Cliffs NJ, with Wayne Shorter on tenor sax, and Lee Morgan on trumpet)
See you eleven minutes later!
#GenreOfTheWeek #Bebop #ArtBlakeyAndTheJazzMessengers #ArtBlakey
#genreoftheweek #bebop #ArtBlakeyAndTheJazzMessengers #artblakey
Thursday night listening
#hankmobley #artblakey #wyntonkelly #paulchambers #jazz
Minor Key . Net #Playlist 6/22/23
Minor Key . Net Second Playlist for 6/22/23
#RaphaelaGromes #HilaryHahn #JanineJansen #JimHall #FranziskaFleischanderl #MarkétaJanoušková #RuiLopes #EdwardGardner #PaulFreeman #PaulChambers #ArtBlakey #TheloniousMonk #SonnyRollins #SonnyStitt #DizzyGillespie #ZefiraValova #YujaWang #ScreamingTrees #StamicQuartet #SydBarrett #classicalmusic #jazz #NowPlaying #playlists #violin #cello #piano #jazzmusic #NowListening
#playlist #raphaelagromes #hilaryhahn #janinejansen #jimhall #franziskafleischanderl #marketajanouskova #ruilopes #edwardgardner #paulfreeman #paulchambers #artblakey #theloniousmonk #sonnyrollins #sonnystitt #dizzygillespie #zefiravalova #yujawang #screamingtrees #stamicquartet #sydbarrett #classicalmusic #jazz #nowplaying #playlists #violin #cello #piano #jazzmusic #nowlistening
Second #VinylMePlease record of the month, & I’m #NowSpinning #MonksMusic by the #TheloniusMonk Septet.
Now this is really exceptional stuff from an incredible line up: #ArtBlakey, #ColemanHawkins & #JohnColtrane.
& the music is white hot: Well, You Needn’t, & Off Minor being favourites. Whilst I love Monk It’s Monk’s Time - this is probably my favourite of his albums.
& #RyanKSmith has done a bang on job with this cut - rich & dynamic.
#vinylmeplease #NowSpinning #monksmusic #theloniusmonk #artblakey #colemanhawkins #johncoltrane #ryanksmith #nowlistening #nowplaying #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz
Another Sunday & I’m #NowSpinning #Indestructible by #ArtBlakey & the Jazz Messengers.
This adds #CurtisFuller bringing Mingus-eque vibes on the trombone, but, imo, #WayneShorter is the star unleashing some killer sax. Plus it has the irrepressible #LeeMorgan who is worth the price of entry alone.
This #record is cut by #KevinGray as part of the #BlueNote Classics series which, in a world of spiraling #vinyl costs, still represents great value.
#NowSpinning #indestructible #artblakey #curtisfuller #wayneshorter #leemorgan #record #kevingray #bluenote #vinyl #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinylrecords #jazz
Minor Key . Net Playlist 6/17/23
#JaschaHeifetz #BostonSymphonyOrchestra #CharlesMunch #AncaVasileCaraman #ArtBlakey #TheJazzMessengers #LeeMorgan #JymieMerritt #BobbyTimmons #WayneShorter #WalterDavis #GrachanMoncurIII #HerbieHancock #CecilMcBee #TonyWilliams #DonaldByrd #HankMobley #GrantGreen #ChuckIsraels #HilaryHahn #Hauschka #IronAndWine #JMascis
#ClassicalMusic #Jazz #IndieMusic #NowPlaying #playlist #violin #violinist #piano #JazzMusic #NowListening #Playlists
#jaschaheifetz #bostonsymphonyorchestra #charlesmunch #ancavasilecaraman #artblakey #thejazzmessengers #leemorgan #jymiemerritt #bobbytimmons #wayneshorter #walterdavis #grachanmoncuriii #herbiehancock #cecilmcbee #tonywilliams #donaldbyrd #hankmobley #grantgreen #chuckisraels #hilaryhahn #hauschka #ironandwine #jmascis #classicalmusic #jazz #indiemusic #nowplaying #playlist #violin #violinist #piano #jazzmusic #nowlistening #playlists
Long day & in need of a pick me up & so I’m #NowSpinning #TheBigBeat by #ArtBlakey and the Jazz Messengers.
#Moanin’ is my favourite Blakey album with this a very close second. The lineup here is peerless, #LeeMorgan, #BobbyTimmons, #WayneShorter, & Blakey just smokes.
Every track is a winner & It’s Only A Paper Moon is one hell of a way to sign off.
This is another #KevinGray cut from the consistently great #BlueNote Classics series.
#NowSpinning #thebigbeat #artblakey #moanin #leemorgan #bobbytimmons #wayneshorter #kevingray #bluenote #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz
Jazz Stars of the Future van #TedCurson.
Voorheen had ze haar studies in 1982 al beëindigd om te verhuizen naar NYC, daar zal ze met #TheDrifters spelen, en nog meer artiesten uit het de jazz. Ze gaat ook naar jazzclubs en leert daar mentor #ArtBlakey kennen, wat voor haar een 2de vader zal worden.
Cindy krijgt meer en meer bekendheid en wordt door meerdere artiesten gevraagd, ze zal ook al eigen composities maken, waarvan de eerste in 1987 op het album Verses van #WallaceRoney verschijnt.
#tedcurson #thedrifters #artblakey #wallaceroney
Art Blakey - Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Paris (1959) - colorized
#jazz #LaBoiteàGif #gif #ArtBlakey
#jazz #laboiteagif #gif #artblakey
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/16/23
#KennyDorham #MonnetteSudler #WesMontgomery #ArtBlakey #TheJazzMessengers #TheModernJazzQuartet #ModernJazzQuartet #TheloniousMonk #SonnyRollins #VicJuris
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-16-23/pl.u-KVXBBvvtL0bkqdD
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13989935
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/564tC5U1aJsnki2JJNxSdd?si=6a9e7dfbb0cf448c
#Jazz #JazzMusic @jazz #music #NowPlayling #Mastomusic #JazzGuitar #playlist #curator #MusicCurator #ArtBlakeyAndTheJazzMessengers #NowSpinning
#kennydorham #monnettesudler #wesmontgomery #artblakey #thejazzmessengers #themodernjazzquartet #modernjazzquartet #theloniousmonk #sonnyrollins #vicjuris #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #jazz #jazzmusic #music #nowplayling #mastomusic #jazzguitar #playlist #curator #musiccurator #artblakeyandthejazzmessengers #nowspinning
Minor Key . Net Moon Playlist 3/10/2023
#IronAndWine #GeorgeHarrison #NickDrake #ViolentFemmes #FreyaArde #BobDylan #TheloniousMonk #ArtBlakey & #TheJazzMessengers #TheMagneticFields #CharliePatton
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-moon-playlist-3-10-2023/pl.u-KVXBBkWtL0bkqdD
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13878481
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2xWhTSlEQoXRdGuXgD6lzY?si=aad2d71d45e748b1
#nowplaying #songsormoviesaboutthemoon #playlist #music #mastomusic #lunarphases #moon #jazz #indiemusic #blues #60smusic #folk #folkmusic
#ironandwine #georgeharrison #nickdrake #violentfemmes #freyaarde #bobdylan #theloniousmonk #artblakey #thejazzmessengers #themagneticfields #charliepatton #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #songsormoviesaboutthemoon #playlist #music #mastomusic #lunarphases #moon #jazz #indiemusic #blues #60smusic #folk #folkmusic
Minor Key . Net Moon Playlist 3/10/2023
#IronAndWine #GeorgeHarrison #NickDrake #ViolentFemmes #FreyaArde #BobDylan #TheloniousMonk #ArtBlakey & #TheJazzMessengers #TheMagneticFields #CharliePatton
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-moon-playlist-3-10-2023/pl.u-KVXBBkWtL0bkqdD
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13878481
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2xWhTSlEQoXRdGuXgD6lzY?si=aad2d71d45e748b1
#nowplaying #songsormoviesaboutthemoon #playlist #music #mastomusic #lunarphases #moon #jazz #indiemusic #blues #60smusic #folk #folkmusic
#ironandwine #georgeharrison #nickdrake #violentfemmes #freyaarde #bobdylan #theloniousmonk #artblakey #thejazzmessengers #themagneticfields #charliepatton #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #songsormoviesaboutthemoon #playlist #music #mastomusic #lunarphases #moon #jazz #indiemusic #blues #60smusic #folk #folkmusic