🎉 It's all true! 🌠
#VanLife #Artist #Composition #Energy #Faith #Love #Art #HandMade #HandCrafted #HandDrawn #Illustration #ArtCard #PostCard #architech #WorldBuilding #GoodConversation #MMJ #OneLife #IGetByWithALittleHelpFromMyFriends #storytelling
#vanlife #artist #composition #energy #faith #love #art #handmade #handcrafted #handdrawn #illustration #artcard #postcard #architech #worldbuilding #goodconversation #mmj #onelife #igetbywithalittlehelpfrommyfriends #storytelling
“An Iris in Bloom” Large Art Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/an-iris-in-bloom-blank-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
“Iris Duo” Blank Square Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/iris-duo-blank-square-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
Quatre cartes d'artiste originales du jour.
Concept inspiré des cartes d'artiste à échanger (elles mêmes inspirées des cartes de joueurs de baseball qui s'échangent aux État Unis). Oeuvres uniques.
89x64 mm, tirage photo fine art papier Hahnemühle Hemp mat et encres.
#ACEO #artcard #cartedartiste #cartedart #recyclage #upcycling #dessin #drawing #art #artiste #artist #photographie #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #photography #petitformat #collection #oeuvreoriginale
#oeuvreoriginale #collection #petitformat #photography #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #photographie #artist #artiste #art #drawing #dessin #upcycling #recyclage #cartedart #cartedartiste #artcard #aceo
“Irises” Blank Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/irises-blank-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
“Pineapple” Extra Large Blank Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/pineapple-extra-large-blank-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
“Apples” Blank Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/apples-blank-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
“Stripes” Blank Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/stripes-extra-large-blank-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
“Summer Dreams” Blank Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/summer-dreams-blank-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
“Drumheller County” Blank Card now in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/drumheller-county-blank-card #handmade #alberta #artcard
Et une carte d'artiste originale de plus 😊
Inspiré des cartes d'artiste à échanger, de l'art au tout petit format.
89x64 mm, tirage photo fine art papier Hahnemühle Hemp mat et encres.
#ATC #ACEO #artisttradingcard #artcard #artcardseditionsandoriginals #cartedartiste #cartedartisteaechanger #cartedart #recyclage #upcycling #dessin #drawing #art #artiste #artist #photographie #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #photography #petitformat #collection #encre #ink
#ink #encre #collection #petitformat #photography #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #photographie #artist #artiste #art #drawing #dessin #upcycling #recyclage #cartedart #cartedartisteaechanger #cartedartiste #artcardseditionsandoriginals #artcard #artisttradingcard #aceo #atc
These are two of the #ACEOs I have going out tomorrow to customers of my #EtsySale (still going on!).
#ACEO #Art #ArtCard #Artist #ArtistsOnMastodon
#Fish #BettaFish
#aceos #etsysale #aceo #art #artcard #artist #artistsonmastodon #fish #bettafish
New mask. #gayart
Apps #artcard #rookiecam #afterlight
#gayart #artcard #rookiecam #afterlight
Shock of hair. #gayart
Apps #artcard #rookiecam #artleap
#gayart #artcard #rookiecam #artleap
Ball cap. #gayart
Apps #artcard #artleap #rookiecam
#gayart #artcard #artleap #rookiecam
Empath. #gayart
Inspired by @jdazzle
Apps #artcard #rookiecam #fingerdraw #artleap
#gayart #artcard #rookiecam #fingerdraw #artleap
Fjord expedition. #gayart
Inspired by @repeattofade
App #waterlogue #artcard
Carte d'artiste originale
Inspiré des cartes d'artiste à échanger, des cartes de joueurs de baseball, des cartes Pokémon, de l'art au tout petit format.
89x64 mm, tirage photo fine art papier Hahnemühle Hemp mat et encres.
#ATC #ACEO #artisttradingcard #artcard #artcardseditionsandoriginals #cartedartiste #cartedartisteaechanger #cartedart #recyclage #upcycling #dessin #drawing #art #artiste #artist #photographie #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #photography #petitformat #collection #encre #ink
#ink #encre #collection #petitformat #photography #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #photographie #artist #artiste #art #drawing #dessin #upcycling #recyclage #cartedart #cartedartisteaechanger #cartedartiste #artcardseditionsandoriginals #artcard #artisttradingcard #aceo #atc