Just finished our neighborhood holiday parade. It was so much fun working on this. #artcart 😁
As more of an #intro I have a show called Art Cart on the local community radio 4zzz, for the local visual art scene. Yesterday we had Sarge on to talk about his history of contributions to the local art scene and 2 books he has just published. It was a lovely chat you can follow his painting and writings here https://instagram.com/mrsarge76 and listen back on our show page on https://4zzz.org.au/
#communityRadio #4zzz #4zzzRadio #SargeJhorgensen #mrSarge #brisbane #brisbaneArt #artCart
#artcart #brisbaneart #brisbane #mrsarge #sargejhorgensen #4zzzradio #4zzz #communityradio #intro