Purchase the fresh 2023 Catalog from Bethany Vanderputten Illustration and Fine Art. It is a 100+ page full colour digital download interactive PDF. Available only at www.bethanyillustrates.com and self-published by Bethany Vanderputten. Price: $30 CDN. #artcatalog #illustration #UnknownWatersREDUX #acrylicpainting #handmade #fineart https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/2023-catalog
#fineart #handmade #acrylicpainting #unknownwatersredux #illustration #artcatalog
Bethany Vanderputten Illustration and Fine Art “Fall 2023 Pocket Catalog” digital download PDF now available for purchase! This 30+ page catalog includes recent artwork like “Lake Minnewanka”, “Burning Fire Triptych” and “Taylor” as well as a series of iris paintings. View and purchase the artwork and related products today in Bethany’s Shop! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/fall-2023-pocket-catalog #artcollector #artcatalog #acrylicpainting #handmadegifts
#handmadegifts #acrylicpainting #artcatalog #artcollector
Order Bethany’s new “Summer Dreams Pocket Catalog” today in Bethany’s Shop. Watch for the included new food paintings all online this Saturday! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/summer-dreams-pocket-catalog #artcatalog #summerdreams #acrylicpainting #digitalpublishing
#digitalpublishing #acrylicpainting #summerdreams #artcatalog
Bethany Vanderputten to publish Summer Dreams Pocket Catalog featuring recent Food Paintings #artcatalog #acrylicpainting #artist https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/journal/bethany-vanderputten-to-publish-summer-dreams-pocket-catalog-featuring-recent-food-paintings
#artist #acrylicpainting #artcatalog
Spring Visage Pocket Catalog now available! Visit Bethany’s Shop online to purchase the artwork and products! Inquire about art licensing. #artcatalog #acrylicpainting #handmade https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory/spring-visage-pocket-catalog
#handmade #acrylicpainting #artcatalog
Watch for Bethany’s brand new 2023 Spring Visage Pocket Catalog available for digital purchase this Friday! Many Spring Visage paintings and products are already available in Bethany’s Shop. Look for more in coming weeks! https://www.bethanyillustrates.com/inventory?category=Spring+Visage #artcatalog #artcollector