Ars Technica: Weirdly, a NASA official says fixed-price contracts do the agency “no good” #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ArtemisMoonProgram #Science #artemis #spacex #Space #NASA
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #artemismoonprogram #science #artemis #spacex #space #nasa
Weirdly, a NASA official says fixed-price contracts do the agency “no good” - Six of the 18 reusable space shuttle engines NASA has in storage. Each ... - #artemismoonprogram #science #artemis #spacex #space #nasa
#nasa #space #spacex #artemis #science #artemismoonprogram
So I’m following #NASA #artemismoonprogram right now like allll day long. And I’m also remembering #octaviabutler and her #ParableOfTheSower which briefly made mention of how the space program represents hope. Just pondering. I’m not sure I feel hopeful regarding #spaceexploration but, she definitely has a point.
#spaceexploration #ParableOfTheSower #octaviabutler #artemismoonprogram #NASA
So I’m following #NASA #artemismoonprogram right now like allll day long. And I’m also remembering #octaviabutler and her #ParableOfTheSower which briefly made mention of how the space program represents hope. Just pondering. I’m not sure I feel hopeful regarding #spaceexploration but, she definitely has a point.
#spaceexploration #ParableOfTheSower #octaviabutler #artemismoonprogram #NASA
Another couple gorgeous Artemis 1 shots from TODAY. #ArtemisOne #artemisprogram #artemismoonprogram #artemismission
#artemismission #artemismoonprogram #artemisprogram #artemisone
Artemis 1 Launch photo. November 15th 2022
Look at that detail! #artemisprogram #artemismoonprogram #Artemis #Artemis1 #spaceships #Space
#Space #spaceships #Artemis1 #artemis #artemismoonprogram #artemisprogram
The only good news to come out of Florida today. #Artemis1 #artemismoonprogram #NASA
#NASA #artemismoonprogram #Artemis1