Looking through a book on the #CampdenTownGroup, I can across this wonderful little painting by Malcom Drummond, of the Chelsea Public Library - its not often the quiet studious atmosphere of a #library finds its way into paint, but here is wonderfully captured.
#campdentowngroup #library #arthistiory #libraries
Reading some essays by #JohnUpdike on #art came across this great painting by John Sloan (one of the Ashcan school of American #artists) of his wife putting out the washing on a Sunday... somehow captures the tenement living of early C20th #NewYork concisely....
#johnupdike #art #artists #NewYork #arthistiory
#Iranian born Soheila Sokhanvari recently had an exhibition at the Barbican Curve gallery; Rebel Rebel displayed images (reworked from vintage photos) of #women from pre-revolutionary Iran whose cultural existence was ended by the current regime. She celebrates these women as the promise of Iran snuffed out by a male theocracy antagonistic to female expression.
Quite apart from their political weight, its another aspect of the interesting development in representational #art
#iranian #women #art #arthistiory
This week I've been mainly reading, No.47:
David Young Kim's Groundwork: A History of the Renaissance Picture (2022) seeks to complement the usual #arthistiory focus on the figure in #renaissance #art, with an account of the ground (from the gold ground on early paintings, through the depiction of back ground landscapes, to the use of chiaroscuro) via close readings of works by Bellini, Moroni & Carrivagio. At times a little over-wrought it still offers some interesting insights.
#arthistiory #renaissance #art