One of the things about having #arthritides is that one can never be certain of one’s size at any given moment. For that reason, inter alia adaptable waistlines and ensuring that close-fitting clothing is never worn are essential. As are easily changed wrist-straps for jewellery.
US research into #ChronicPain over 2019-2021 found that approximately 20% or 1:5 US American adults suffer with chronic pain (CP) and 7% or 1:14 suffer ”high-impact chronic pain” (HICP), i.e. which severely effects quotidian life.
For folk with #arthritides 50% or 1:2 suffer CP and 20% or 1:5 HICP.
For #disabled folk 60% or 3:5 suffer CP and 35% or 1:3 HICP.
For #pwME 75% or 3:4 suffer CP and 50% or 1:2 HICP.
No wonder I feel pained!
#pwme #disabled #arthritides #chronicpain
@StarDust949 I have #SevereME, #Fibromyalgia, several #arthritides, and I am managing to highlight blocks of text, copy and use a translater-app. I have to do this across much of the #SocialMedia I use and have done for years. After a few attempts you’ll get th3 hang of it! 🙏🏻💙
#SevereME #fibromyalgia #arthritides #socialmedia