My baby has been suffering from arthritis but we’ve found some medication’s that are really helping and he’s back to wanting to take walkies. Very happy dad. #HilbertRules #HilbertsFeelingBetter #ArthritisSucks
#hilbertrules #hilbertsfeelingbetter #arthritissucks
Mornings - my arch nemesis. They never get any better!
[Image of Pee-wee Herman holding a sign that says PAIN and doing his signature Ahhhhh. 'Waking up every morning wondering what fresh hell awaits me today.']
#ChronicPainMemes #LaughItOff #ArthritisSucks #MedMastodon #DisabilityMastodon #arthritis
#chronicpainmemes #laughitoff #arthritissucks #MedMastodon #disabilitymastodon #arthritis
#Disabled #Gimp #Neurodivergent #Neurodivergance #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #Diabetes #Arthritis #ArthritisSucks #ND4ND #Cripodon #DisabilityTheology #Criplepunk #DisabilityJustice #SafeSpace #Witch #Polytheism #Panentheism #Animism #ReligiousMysteries #OralTraditions #Intiation #Metaphysics #Feri #Faery #CunningfFolk #Crossroads #Herbalism #Tarot #Folklore #TradWitch #Oathbound
#introduction #followfriday #disabled #gimp #neurodivergent #neurodivergance #autistic #actuallyautistic #adhd #diabetes #arthritis #arthritissucks #nd4nd #cripodon #disabilitytheology #criplepunk #disabilityjustice #safespace #witch #polytheism #panentheism #animism #religiousmysteries #oraltraditions #intiation #metaphysics #feri #faery #cunningffolk #crossroads #herbalism #tarot #folklore #tradwitch #oathbound
Arthritis is in full effect tonight. Both knees are seizing up so I have to be careful and take smaller steps. #ArthritisSucks
Hi ho! Hi ho! It’s back to the gym I go. Here’s to my knee not being a no-go. #arthritissucks
Hubs treated my morning back pain with fresh coffee, fresh donuts, & orchids! 😭
This Canadian misses her Timmie's and craves donuts. Coming up on 20 years in Taiwan, so they are a treat I never get to have! Now to get something for the pain. #ArthritisSucks #fibromyalgia #NEISvoid #grateful #ChronicPain
Yes, I know this is terrible and I am strict with an anti inflammation diet, but not today!
#arthritissucks #fibromyalgia #neisvoid #grateful #chronicpain