Le porte di Tannhäuser #8 https://radiowombat.net/le-porte-di-tannhauser-8/ #RobertSilverberg-Gianni.MichaelMoorcock-Uncantantemorto #JohnShirley-Eclipse-UnacanzonechiamataGiovinezza #DanSimmons-CantidiHyperion"Hyperion" #RichardMatheson-Lamacchinadeljazz #ArthurC.Clarke-Ritmoassoluto #JackVance-L’operadellospazio #RobertSilverberg-Gianni #LeportediTannhauser #XPianetasinfonico #Senzacategoria #JGBallard #PKDick
#robertsilverberg #johnshirley #dansimmons #richardmatheson #arthurc #jackvance #LeportediTannhauser #XPianetasinfonico #senzacategoria #JGBallard #pkdick
Rendezvous with Rama and the Endeavour on Rama's surface #sciencefiction #scifi, #ArthurC.Clarke #art #cgi #Lightwave3d
The Endeavour rests as the Crew prepares for their first EVA
#sciencefiction #scifi #arthurc #art #cgi #lightwave3d
Denis Villeneuve verfilmt Arthur C. Clarkes RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA
RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA hat nichts mit irgendwelchen Margarinen zu tun, es handelt sich dabei um den Titel eines klassischen Science Fiction-Romans von Altmeister Arthur C. Clarke aus dem Jahr 1973 ...
#Film,TV&Stream #ArthurC.Clarke #DenisVilleneuve #RendezvousWithRama #ScienceFiction #SciFi #SF
#sf #scifi #sciencefiction #RendezvousWithRama #DenisVilleneuve #arthurc #film