Episode 91 is now up! We discuss the Clarke Award winner, the Hugo Voter Packet, and site selection at Chengdu, before getting really quite digressive about GUFF and some fairly outlandish fundraising ideas… Finally, we do picks, and there are some hints/spoilers in the Mastodon hashtags. Listen here! https://octothorpe.podbean.com/e/91-o—-o—-o—/
#ClarkeAward #ArthurCClarke #HugoAward #Worldcon #ChengduWorldcon #FanFunds #ScienceFiction #Podcast #LEGO #SpielDesJahres
#clarkeaward #arthurcclarke #hugoaward #worldcon #chengduworldcon #fanfunds #sciencefiction #podcast #lego #spieldesjahres
@tuckerteague #Books Bookstodon #ArthurCClarke
Interested in a Special Collector's Edition of "Childhood's End"?
or see the full collection here:
Black Basalt Wall at the Shrine of the Book, Israel #Museum. Supposedly - a symbol of darkness.
Me: It's the Monolith from #Space #Odyssey !
קיר הבזלת בהיכל הספר, מוזיאון ישראל. לכאורה - סמל לבני החושך.
אני: זה המונולית מהאודיסאה בחלל!
#SpaceOdyssey #SciFi #ScienceFiction #ArthurCClarke #Kubrick
#museum #space #odyssey #spaceodyssey #scifi #sciencefiction #arthurcclarke #kubrick
Nato nel 1917, il suo romanzo, '2001: Odissea nello spazio', ha segnato un'epoca nella fantascienza. Le sue visioni del futuro, da satelliti a tecnologie 'magiche', continuano a ispirare.
Peccato per il "Sir", che suona sempre un po' antipatico.
Auguri, Clarke! #ArthurCClarke #Fantascienza #AnniversarioLetterario #StanleyKubrick #AI
#arthurcclarke #fantascienza #anniversarioletterario #stanleykubrick #ai
"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
- Arthur C. Clarke
#quote #arthurcclarke #extraterrestiallife
#mmx #arthurcclarke #react #javascript #webdev
#Rock #Space #ArthurCClarke #SpaceRock
a new episode up on mixcloud, where we're leaving earth and celebrating the great mind of the Prophet of the Space Age
#rock #space #arthurcclarke #spacerock
It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.
-- Arthur C. Clarke
#quotes #arthurcclarke #intelligence #photography #panorama #vegetables #market
@DianaUnicorn I can live with noisy space explosions because the electromagnetic radiation could cause reverberations in the hull of a spaceship turning it into noise. But please explain artificial gravity & FTL travel.
On second thoughts don't. Asking questions like that is why the cool kids stopped talking to me at school.
The best sci-fi movies I have seen are the ones based on stories by Philip K. Dick or Arthur C. Clarke. The rest is mostly just space-opera. I watch Star Wars and enjoy it the same way I enjoy LOTR. It's just different kinds of magic.
#SciFi #PhilipKDick #ArthurCClarke
#scifi #philipkdick #arthurcclarke
rendezvous with rama book cover...
#rendezvouswithrama #arthurcclarke #bookcover #animatedgif
Hoy hace 55 años, en 1968, se estrenó "2001: A Space Odyssey" en el Uptown Theatre de Washington. Dirigida por #StanleyKubrick, se basó en una historia corta de #ArthurCClarke.
Crear una obra de la cultura popular que siga siendo celebrada 50 años después de su estreno es un logro notable.
La historia del origen de la película de 1968 2001: Una odisea del espacio es bien conocida. El director Stanley Kubrick se basó en el relato corto de Arthur C. Clarke "The Sentinel" y ambos escribieron juntos el guión. La versión novelada de 2001: Una odisea del espacio, escrita por Clarke, no se publicó hasta después del estreno de la película. La película se estrenó en el Uptown Theater de Washington, DC, el 2 de abril de 1968, y se estrenó en todo el país esa misma semana, el 6 de abril.
► https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/2001-celebrates-50-years
𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟏: 𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨, 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐨 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐨
► https://www.jotdown.es/2011/08/2001-una-odisea-del-espacio-explicada-paso-a-paso/
#stanleykubrick #arthurcclarke #cine #clasico #cienciaficcion #inteligenciaartificial
Cool. A short film based on Arthur C. Clarke's story, "The Nine Billion Names of God".
“Daisy Bell”: From IBM to Arthur C. Clarke to HAL.
#TedGioia #IBM #Music #2001ASpaceOdyssey #ArthurCClarke #HAL #DaisyBell #ABicycleBuiltForTwo
#abicyclebuiltfortwo #DaisyBell #hal #arthurcclarke #2001aspaceodyssey #music #ibm #tedgioia
The future, from 1964 in Arthur C Clarke’s view. He got some bits right in the 50-60 year frame, some others might still happen some day, some others? Ehh, not so likely.
I watched this and kept thinking “my, how optimistic” and “oh, you forgot about politics and human nature, didn’t you, doc?”
See what you think:
https://youtu.be/YwELr8ir9qM #futurism #arthurcclarke #predictions
#futurism #arthurcclarke #predictions
do drugs and watch the stars...
#dobetterdrugs #usebetterdrugs #arthurcclarke #stephenhawking #carlsagan #vidcaps #stars #watch #animatedgif
#dobetterdrugs #usebetterdrugs #arthurcclarke #stephenhawking #carlsagan #vidcaps #stars #watch #animatedgif
#BFI article about #Kubrik's 2001 and the invention of the #iPad https://www2.bfi.org.uk/news-opinion/news-bfi/features/did-stanley-kubrick-invent-ipad
The part about the internet at the end is interesting. There is a quote from #ArthurCClarke's #book explaining how up in space Floyd receives hourly news updates.
The writer of the article then explains that the internet means we get new updates more frequently than every hour. However, I'm not sure the internet extends to 'far out in space' so I think every hour is pretty good.
#book #arthurcclarke #ipad #kubrik #bfi
I've been really enjoying reading the collected short stories of Arthur C Clark. It's amazing how modern much of his work still feels, for stories written 7+ decades ago, but then you get the occasional story like 'I Remeber Babylon' (written and set in 1960, where the plot revolves around the soon to be magical/devilish invention of 'satellite television') that firmly and slightly jarringly dates it. All in all, a thoroughly good read.
Lilliput magazine, July 1950:
“In December, 1948, the United States Secretary for Defence announced that his Government was working on ‘satellite vehicles’ which would revolve round the earth like artificial moons...”
#sciencefiction #scifi #arthurcclarke
📘 Iles de l'espace (🇬🇧 1952) est un roman de science-fiction d'Arthur C. Clarke, premier tome de la trilogie de l'espace.
📝 Roy, un jeune homme brillant, gagne un voyage hors de l'atmosphère mais son séjour en orbite terrestre se relève plus mouvementé que prévu. Un livre sympathique, loin des chefs-d’œuvre de l'auteur mais intéressant au regard des connaissances scientifiques de l'époque.
#arthurcclarke #sciencefiction #sf #mastolivre