“Das Universum ist eine herbe Sache. Es gibt ne ganze Menge Wesen und Dinge, die Dich angreifen, kaltmachen, übers Ohr hauen wollen, was Du willst. Wenn Du hier draußen überleben willst, mußt Du immer wissen, wo Dein Handtuch ist.” – Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis – Douglas Adams
#douglasadams #peranhalterdurchdiegalaxis #handtuchtag #handtuchtag2023 #towelday #towelday2023 #fordprefect #arthurdent
#douglasadams #PerAnhalterdurchdieGalaxis #handtuchtag #handtuchtag2023 #towelday #towelday2023 #fordprefect #arthurdent
Sometimes I take requests and draw userpics for free. This is certainly one of the weirdest. A friend suggested a drider with the torso of a tabaxi, wearing Arthur Dent's dressing-gown.
He may have been taking the piss. I was not.
#requests #userpic #tabaxi #drider #arthurdent #dnd #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy
#requests #userpic #tabaxi #drider #arthurdent #DnD #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy
Or a google search! Fantastically enough, turns out it's also the phone number of an Islington flat where #ArthurDent attended a party. #DouglasAdams
Are you a fan?
#arthurdent #douglasadams #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy
I don't like this planet at all. Where's Marvin? Ford? Hello? Is anybody here?
#ArthurDent #h2g2 #hhgttg #aigenerated #aiart #stablediffusion
#arthurdent #h2g2 #HHGTTG #aigenerated #aiart #stablediffusion
Dent. Arthur Dent.
#arthurdent #h2g2 #HHGTTG #aiart #aigenerated #stablediffusion #deepdreamgenerator
#arthurdent #h2g2 #HHGTTG #aiart #aigenerated #stablediffusion #deepdreamgenerator
Here's Arthur Dent, but where is his towel?
#aiart #aigenerated #stablediffusion #h2g2 #hhgttg #ArthurDent
#aiart #aigenerated #stablediffusion #h2g2 #HHGTTG #arthurdent
I made an alternative version of Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy using ChatGPT.
It's a bit long so I posted it to my blog:
#arthurdent #scifi #aliens #hitchhikers #chatgpt
I made an alternative version of Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy using ChatGPT.
It's a bit long so I posted it to my blog:
#arthurdent #scifi #aliens #hitchhikers #chatgpt