#ECoHR Gaspari v. Armenia (No. 2) 11-07-2023 (Judgment: Violation #article10) https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=001-225761
If you haven’t had a chance to listen in so far, today’s @indexcensorship conference on SLAPPs is well worth a look. Current panel is focused on SLAPPs and environmental activism #law #SLAPPs #SLAPP #journalism #humanrightsdefenders #activism #article8 #article10
Agenda is here:
YouTube link here:
#law #SLAPPs #slapp #journalism #humanrightsdefenders #activism #article8 #article10
I read the birdsite has suspended Donie O’Sullivan. This better be an RTÉ news story this morning. The idiot CEO is about to discover what happens when you are mean to well-liked Irish folk. ( plus, you know, #article10 and all that) #IStandWithDonie #donieosullivan
#article10 #istandwithdonie #donieosullivan