A very helpful summary for the #cdnpoli crowd given how often the potential of Article 6 is invoked as a mechanism under which Canada could do less domestically to reduce carbon pollution.
RT @mattadamw@twitter.com
#Article6 : Endgame - what was the final outcome?
🧵 ↓
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mattadamw/status/1594343762452713472
The #UNFCCC, full texts #COP27 https://unfccc.int/cop27/auv
Overall, Climate Home News, by Chloé Farand, Joe Lo and Megan Darby ... https://www.climatechangenews.com/2022/11/20/what-was-decided-at-cop27-climate-talks-in-sharm-el-sheikh
New remits for Multilateral Development Banks https://mastodon.au/@sarah_colenbrander/10937546490063826
including the Bridgetown agenda
Potentially key mechanism of Paris agreement (yes, only now): #Article6 carbon markets.
Thread on what was in play:
Advocate view https://carbonmarketwatch.org/2022/11/20/lacklustre-cop27-fails-to-bring-clarity-to-carbon-markets/
The #NATO 3-step:
1. #Article4
2. #Article5
3. #Article6
💃🏽 🕺🏽 🗺️
#NorthAtlanticTreaty #NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization #Poland #Moldova #Ukraine #Russia #WarInUkraine
#WARINUKRAINE #Russia #ukraine #moldova #Poland #northatlantictreatyorganization #northatlantictreaty #article6 #article5 #article4 #nato
Hello! We are a Brussels-based climate organisation working internationally and in the EU with special expertise in carbon pricing.
We want the true cost of pollution on society to be properly reflected in climate policy.
Follow us and visit our website to find out more: carbonmarketwatch.org
#climateaction #carbonpricing #carbonmarkets #industrialdecarbonisation #internationaltransport #emissionsreductions #carbonremoval #euets #cbam #emissionstrading #article6 #greenwashing #justtransition
#ClimateAction #carbonpricing #CarbonMarkets #industrialdecarbonisation #internationaltransport #emissionsreductions #carbonremoval #EUETS #cbam #emissionstrading #article6 #greenwashing #justtransition
Dans la #DDH 1789 - #Article6 était clair
🏦 📌 « La loi est l'expression de la volonté générale, tous les citoyens ont droit de concourir personnellement ou par leurs représentants à sa formation. »
Le problème, c'est qu'on a zappé cette phrase...qui est devenue 💫
« Tous les citoyens ont le droit de concourir par leur représentants à la formation de la loi.»
Source : facebook.com/LCP/videos/2516784631894606/
#démocratie #Constitution #politique
#ddh #article6 #démocratie #constitution #politique
RT @ClimActStudio@twitter.com
Interested in Internationally Transferred #Mitigation Outcomes? Want to know whether we can rely on #Article6 to reduce #Global #carbon #emissions ?? Then read our new #blog by @jfallon1997@twitter.com
#COP25 #ClimateChange #offsetting
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ClimActStudio/status/1204762864982142976
#mitigation #article6 #global #carbon #emissions #blog #cop25 #climatechange #offsetting