@rticks @mathlover @rbreich #Congress sees fit to propose amendments to the constitution whenever the establishment criminals that control it want it to.
Congress is also unconstitutionally vetoing the plain text of the constitution by blocking the #ArticleVConvention for proposing amendments http://www.foavc.org
Frankly, I would like to see amendments proposed by we the people. #RunawayConvention is disinfo; 3/4 states ratification required
#runawayconvention #articlevconvention #congress
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1242 - Aggressive New Scheme Exposes Article V Convention Lobby" on @Spreaker #a5c #articlevconvention #conventionofstates #demoniacresistance #nullification2021 #politicalcorruption #usconstitution https://www.spreaker.com/episode/43551809
#usconstitution #politicalcorruption #nullification2021 #DemoniacResistance #conventionofstates #articlevconvention #a5c