"'They're so heavily symbolic,' he says. 'There's a kind of innocence and danger and magic to them.' However, it was only when he read a quote from the performance artist Leigh Bowery, who said 'the reason I use sequins… is because if I cannot cast the light, at least I can reflect it,' that the designer's vision crystallised."
Spangled Togs of Designer Ashish Gupta on Exhibit
https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20230825-why-sequins-are-so-exhilarating-to-wear via BBC
Photo: Nicola Tree/Wm. Morris Gallery via BBC
#AshishGupta #Fashion #Sequins #Artifice
#ashishgupta #fashion #Sequins #artifice
Photos. Feu d’artifice du 14-Juillet à Pontarlier : une « touche française » illumine le ciel
#artifice #14juillet
Photos. Feux d'artifice du 14 juillet à Pontarlier : on vous montre l'envers du décor
#coulisses #14juillet #artifice
#artifice #14juillet #coulisses
Encore une fois, contrairement à ce que vous pouvez lire dans les médias, TOUS les feux d'artifices sont INTERDITS au grand public jusqu'au 15 juillet (comprenez que si vous n'êtes pas professionnel vous ne pourrez même pas utiliser une bougie d'ambiance Fontaine d'artifice) #emeutes #14juillet #artifice
A quotation from Child, Lydia Marie:
That man’s best works should be such bungling imitations of Nature’s infinite perfection, matters not much; but that he should make himself an imitation, this is the fact which Nature moans over, and deprecates beseechingly. Be spontaneous, be truthful, be free, and thus be individuals! is the song she sings through…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #artifice #freedom #humanity
is the genie "out of" the bottle....... or am i thinking "out of" my ass??????????? #ArtificialAss #Artifice #AssIntelligence
#assintelligence #artifice #artificialass
My pitches are going to start to include, Written completely by my own human brain this novel takes place during my formative years in the 20th century before easy credit, computers, SUV's, and so much more/less...
a few #hashtags I'd follow or toot at
#hashtags #kotlin #jvm #gamedev #3d #hci #informatics #androiddev #fatherhood #pun #triphop #floss #technoactivism #decent9n #lodlam #digitalarchiving #libraries #semantic #artifice #cybernetics #virtualreality #dweb #nonfiction #cognitivepsychology #science #wildlife #seasteading #fuckcars #psychology #crochet #polymerclay #borndigital #photogrammetry #proceduralart #procgen #fedora #anarchism #polyamory #nutrition #education #CICW