Rogue states using fake GPT content to hack governments - ex-IDF cyber chief
Former IDF Unit 8200 cyber commander says that all cyber attacks and defenses are getting better with AI.
“The world is more complex now in terms of blocking hackers whether they be nation-states or cyber criminals. Where there is money, they find capabilities. Cyber criminals are at a high level,”
#cybersecurity #GPT #AI #ArtificialIntellgence #security #Israel @israel
#cybersecurity #gpt #ai #artificialintellgence #security #israel
Liberals in the German government: We're broke, we have to cut funding for anti #hatespeech #NGOs, sorry.
Also #liberals in the German government: We'll spend 1.6 billion € of yours on #AI with unknown benefits. Yay.!5945064/
#wasted #innovation #business #TechWontSaveUs #artificialintellgence #germany #FDP
#hatespeech #ngos #liberals #AI #wasted #innovation #business #TechWontSaveUs #artificialintellgence #germany #fdp
So I got ChatGPT Pro through my work this week and excited to dive into the new features that the paid tier provides. Any tips for how to play around with it? Any good prompts or use cases? What about plugins?
#chatgpt #ai #artificialintellgence #chatgpt4 #tech #technology
#chatgpt #ai #artificialintellgence #chatgpt4 #tech #technology
(For Monday) AI: How far is China behind the West?
#China #artificialintellgence #US-Chinarelations
#us #artificialintellgence #China
Will the current #artificialintellgence buzz turm out like the one we had with #cryto ? By that I mean lots of hype, followed by a dose of reality, coupled with a total lack of regulation and a bunch of shady operators.
"Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The terminator would never stop. It would never leave him, and it would never hurt him, never shout at him, or get drunk and hit him, or say it was too busy to spend time with him. It would always be there. And it would die to protect him. Of all the would-be fathers who came and went over the years, this thing, this machine, was the only one who measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice."
#movie #scifi #dystopia #free #ai #artificialintellgence #torrent #thepiratebay #antai #thepiratebay
#movie #scifi #dystopia #free #ai #artificialintellgence #torrent #thepiratebay #antai
Nvidia taps into Israeli innovation to build generative AI cloud supercomputer
#Israel #Nvidia #ai #artificialintellgence #generativeAI
#israel #nvidia #ai #artificialintellgence #generativeai
Was listening to an interview with Ada the artificial intelligence artist the other day.
I'm still not convinced AI exists yet.
Now if Ada decided one day she was not in the mood to do a painting, or that pictures were not the correct medium to express an Idea she had and opted for sculpture instead, then I might be convinced that AI was happening.
Other than that we have an extrapolation and prediction toy that aims to please the human interacting with it.
I love the urgency to pause development of AI for specifically 6-Months. First for the very specific time-frame and second for the idea that it will happen. #ai #artificialintellgence #Tech
#Tech #artificialintellgence #AI
“2001: A Space Odyssey - How Kubrick fooled us all”
#ai #artificialintellgence #spacetravel #transhumanism #humanity #technocracy
#ai #artificialintellgence #spacetravel #transhumanism #humanity #technocracy
Your #privacy is very important to us #amazon #iRobot #artificialintellgence
#privacy #amazon #irobot #artificialintellgence