New NIOO publication: Effects of anthropogenic light on species and ecosystems.
#artificiallightatnight #alan #lightatnight #lightpollution
#artificiallightatnight #alan #lightatnight #lightpollution
Um belo texto de Paul Bogard, autor do livro “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light” (2013), lembrando a influência dos LED no agravamento drástico da #PoluiçãoLuminosa (10% por ano, como apontam os mais recentes estudos, aqui trazidos recentemente).
#LightPollution #ALAN #LED #ArtificialLightAtNight #PaulBogard
#poluicaoluminosa #lightpollution #ALAN #led #artificiallightatnight #paulbogard
Nice color scheme consistency in LUTs and plots
RT @RSocPublishing
Learning to feed in the dark: how light level influences feeding in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta #BiologyLetters #hawkmoth #ALAN #ArtificialLightAtNight
#BiologyLetters #hawkmoth #alan #artificiallightatnight
O greenwashing da iluminação, segundo Anna Levin.
#LED #Greenwashing #ALAN #ArtificialLightAtNight #lightpollution #poluiçãoluminosa #reboundeffect
#led #greenwashing #ALAN #artificiallightatnight #lightpollution #poluicaoluminosa #reboundeffect
"Our results ... highlight the complexity of using spectral manipulation as a mitigation measure, and the need for further consideration of ALAN in environmental management and planning, to limit the exposure and impact of cascading effects of artificial light at night on food webs and communities."
#LightPollution #ArtificialLightAtNight #Ecology
#lightpollution #artificiallightatnight #ecology
"This study suggests that ALAN does not necessarily prevent high-metabolic nocturnal insectivores from achieving their energetic needs, which might help explain their persistence in urban environments."
#LightPollution #ArtificialLightAtNight #biology #ecology #cities
#lightpollution #artificiallightatnight #biology #ecology #cities